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  Jose: Hey Martina, how’s the job hunt going so far?
  Martina: It’s tough. I’m starting to come to a hard realization that I’m gonna have to settle for a job that I’m vastly overqualified for.
  Jose: You seem surprised. ①You thought it was going to be smooth sailing, didn’t you? ②Yeah, the job market is a fickle mistress, and sometimes just isn’t fair to the working class. That’s why I’ve been an independent contractor these past few years. Because after bouncing from one rebound job to another, I got tired of the grind and worried that I wouldn’t be able to climb back up the corporate ladder again. You know, I figured I’d slipped and fallen down too many rungs. So I found an industry where I could have more control.
  Martina: Wow! Uh…well, I’m really happy for you. But go back for a second. What was that you said about rebound jobs? What are those?
  Jose: Oooh, a teachable moment!
  Martina: Oh, I hate those.
  Jose: Come on! Buck up, and flex those brain muscles. Now, what is a rebound?
  Martina: I know that in basketball, a rebound is when a player grabs a miss that just bounced off the rim.
  Jose: Exactly! And how about in relationships?
  Martina: Oh yeah! A rebound guy, or girl, is someone who you hook up with after just getting out of a serious relationship. And a rebound guy is usually just a one night stand. Sometimes more, but rebounds don’t usually turn into anything long-term.
  Jose: And you, my friend, have just successfully explained what a rebound job is. You just got out of a long relationship with your old company, and now you need a new job. But finding Mr. Right, or the right company, is no easy task. So are you just gonna stay unemployed till you can find the perfect job?
  Martina: Of course not. I can’t afford to let months go by without any cash coming in. I need a temporary gig that can help me pay the bills while I look for a career that really suits me.
  Jose: So you need a rebound job.
  Martina: And what sorts of jobs are usually considered rebounds?
  Jose: A lot. Ever worked at Starbucks?
  Martina: What do you think?
  Jose: Well don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. ③It may seem like some soulless corporation, but the guys there helped me get back on my feet, during a time when I was really struggling with things in my private and professional life. So you never know.
  Martina: Wow Jose! You’re a really inspiring guy, you know that?   Jose: I’ve been told once or twice. I just hope my struggles can help you and others get through your own trails and tribulations.
  Martina: I hope so too. I’ll see you later. Wish me luck.
  Jose: Good luck Martina!
1. 表示時间,注意以下用法:   (1) 表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用 at。如:   I get up at six in the morning.   我早上六点钟起床。   He got married at the age of 25.   他 25 岁结婚。   (2) 泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用 in。如:   We watch
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有人说,我们每个人的心里都住着一个魔鬼。然而如果我们能够控制好自己的心,魔鬼是不会出来作恶的,毕竟我们的心里还住着一位天使。接下来我们就来聊聊魔鬼的短语吧。  Many expressions in American English come from the world of religion. Some common idioms are based on high, religious id
不定式是高中英语三种非谓语动词形式之一。它主要有两种形式:带to的不定式和不带to的不定式。不定式具有动词的一些特征,有时态和语态的变化,见下表:   1. 作主语,如:   To see is to believe.眼见为实。   不定式作主语,往往用it作形式主语,真正的主语(不定式结构)放在句子的后面。如:   It’s necessary to lock the car when
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编者注:你想成功吗?那你就得在意“一点点”。很多微不足道的一点点,会让一个人获得最大的成功。每天比别人多记一个单词——非常微不足道的一点点,一年后你就会比别人多记300多个单词,若坚持几年或更长时间,其结果就不止是用一点点来表达了。做任何事情都是如此,所谓“不积跬步无以至千里”。   Today is an excellent day for making small changes and i