
来源 :港口经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidrandy
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当前,港口经济发展的外部环境发生重大变革,风险和挑战有所增加,但总体仍处于战略机遇期。从机遇看,经济全球化不断深化,新一轮科技革命和产业变革孕育突破,我国经济综合实力和国际地位不断提升,自贸试验区建设、“一带一路”建设、京津冀协同发展和长江经济带等国家战略,为我们参与全球化竞争、提升港口经济能级带来重大契机。从挑战看,世界经济在再平衡中艰难复苏,贸易投资自由化标准不断提高,推动经济增长的传统红 At present, major changes have taken place in the external environment of the port’s economic development, risks and challenges have increased, but the overall situation is still in a period of strategic opportunities. From the perspective of opportunity, the deepening of economic globalization has brought about a breakthrough in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform. China’s comprehensive economic strength and international status have been continuously improved. The construction of the pilot free trade zone, the “Belt and Road”, the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei And the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other national strategies for our participation in global competition, upgrading the port economy has brought great opportunities. From a challenge perspective, the world economy has been struggling to recover from the rebalancing and the standards for liberalization of trade and investment have been steadily rising. The traditional redness of economic growth
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