如果把企业比作大船 企业领导应该是船长?舵手?还是……

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如果把企业比作大船,那么企业领导首先应是船的设计者。按系统论观点,环境决定系统功能,系统功能决定系统结构。环境变了,企业功能就应变,相应地企业组织结构也必须随之调整。所以企业领导应是企业这个组织的设计者。原来在近海航行的轮船,如果不重新设 If you compare a business to a big boat, then business leaders should first be boat designers. According to the system theory point of view, the environment determines the system functions, system functions determine the system structure. The environment has changed, corporate functions on the strain, the corresponding organizational structure must also be adjusted. Therefore, business leaders should be the designer of this organization. The original sailing ships in the vicinity, if not re-set
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