
来源 :小学时代(教师) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanw06
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音乐学科教学与健全人格的培养有些什么关系?这是我们应当从理论上搞清楚的问题,只有把这些基本问题从理论上搞清楚了,才能进一步在教学实践中自觉培养学生健全的人格。所谓音乐学科教学是指以培养理解和运用本族、本国和外国音乐知识、乐曲等内容为中介的师生双方教与学相统一的活动。音乐教学的主要任务是培养学生听、唱,甚至跳、弹等方面的 What is the relationship between the teaching of music discipline and the cultivation of healthy personality? This is a question that we should make clear theoretically. Only by understanding these basic problems theoretically, can we further consciously train students’ healthy personality in teaching practice. The so-called music discipline teaching refers to the training and understanding of the use of local, national and foreign music, music and other content as an intermediary between teachers and students both teaching and learning activities. The main task of music teaching is to train students to listen, sing, and even jump, shells and other aspects
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A new ent-isopimarane diterpenoid,Agallochaone A(1),together with the known 8,13-epoxy-14-labden-3-one(2)and Excoecarin B(3)were isolated from the whole plant o