
来源 :旅行医学科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zimuogu
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本文针对进口保健食品的品种多、成分复杂、鉴定困难和立法空白的现状,提出应运用法律赋予卫生检疫部门的自由裁量权,从成分审查、毒性评价和功能评价试验这三方面对进口保健食品进行卫生监督与评价,并简述具体的试验项目。 According to the present situation of many kinds of imported health food, complicated ingredients, identification difficulties and legislation blank, the author puts forward that we should make use of the law to give the health and quarantine department the right of discretion. From the aspects of composition review, toxicity evaluation and function evaluation test, Conduct health surveillance and evaluation and outline specific pilot projects.
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12月2日, 首届中国牛?优质牛肉品鉴大会在北京召开.全国政协委员、农业农村部原副部长、中国农业绿色发展研究会理事长余欣荣出席大会, 农业农村部党组成员、中国农业科学院
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