
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyr1234
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一、理论价格计量模型的分类与应用理论价格是服务于政府宏观经济管理,按照一定经济理论,在特定经济技术结构基础上求得的计算价格体系。理论价格与现实价格不同。现实价格是经济运动的实在结果,反映了企业和政府行为,以及市场关系的共同作用。理论价格是一种理想化价格,通常作为政府调控经济运行和调整分配关系的重要依据和手段,在中国改革中还直接起着价格调整参照系的作用。理论价格从来不是一个孤立的计算技术问题,其核心内容是与整个经济理论交织在一起的。经济数学方法产生以来,出现了许多计算价格模型,依据其经济方面的基本理论可以分为 First, the theory of price measurement model classification and application of theory Price is to serve the government macroeconomic management, in accordance with certain economic theory, calculated on the basis of a specific economic and technological structure of the calculated price system. The theoretical price is different from the actual price. The actual price is the real result of the economic movement, reflecting the joint actions of the enterprises and the government and the market relations. Theoretical price is an idealized price. It is usually used as an important basis and means by which the government controls the economic operation and adjusts the distribution. It also plays a direct role as a frame of reference for price adjustment in China's reform. Theoretical price has never been an isolated issue of computing technology, and its core content is intertwined with the entire economic theory. Since the emergence of the mathematical method of economics, there have been many models of calculating prices that can be classified according to the basic theory of their economy
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