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哈尔滨市科协成立于1959年4月27日,现有市级学会69家,区、县(市)科协18家,企(事)业单位科协35家。近年来,哈尔滨市科协坚持以“围绕中心、服务大局”为主旨,以改革创新为动力,突出四个重点,强化四个服务,努力为推动哈尔滨创新型城市建设、实现率先全面建成小康社会目标作出积极贡献。以“建家交友”为重点,为科技工作者服务。依托市心理咨询师协会专家资源优势,每年为近干名科技工作者进行免费心理咨询;连续8年为500余位科研一线科技工作者进行 Harbin Association for Science and Technology was established in April 27, 1959, the existing municipal association 69, district, county (city) Association for Science and Technology, enterprises (things) Association of Science and Technology Association 35. In recent years, Harbin Association of Science and Technology adhere to the “around the center, serve the overall situation,” the main thrust of reform and innovation as the driving force, highlighting the four key points, strengthening the four services, and strive to promote innovative city construction in Harbin, take the lead in the full Well-off society to make positive contributions to the goal. To “build friends ” as the focus for science and technology workers. Relying on City Association of Psychological Counselors experts resources, annual nearly freelance scientific and technological workers for free psychological counseling; for 8 consecutive years for more than 500 scientific and technological research workers
目的对雾霾中分离的库克细菌进行种属鉴定和药敏实验,研究环境中库克菌属细菌的分布状态、生化特性和耐药特征。方法于2016年冬季雾霾环境下使用空气撞击法收集距地面10~15 m
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