明晰思路 拓展优势 把握县级经济发展重点

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“贫穷不是社会主义,发展太慢也不是社会主义。”作为川北丘陵县和省定贫困县的西充县,县委、政府的根本任务是要按照提前翻两番的小康目标和“7118扶贫计划”的开发目标这个双重目标,促进县级经济的快速发展。而驾驭经济全局、促进经济发展的关键在于明晰发展思路,确立发展重点,进而发挥与拓虔自身优势,避短扬长,以“优”促“快”。这是我们贫困县的必由之路。思路与重点之一:夯实农业基础,努力实现“双增”农业是关系经济全局的基础产业。粮食生产要做到“三个稳定,两个平衡”,“稳粮调结构,增收奔小康”,无疑是带有根本性和现实性的正确决策。 “Poverty is not socialism, development is too slow and not socialism.” As the hilly county of northern Sichuan and counties in poor counties of Xichung County, the county government, the fundamental task of the government is to quadruple ahead of the goal of well-off and “7118 Poverty Alleviation Program ”The development goal of this dual goal to promote the rapid development of the county economy. The key to harnessing the overall economic situation and promoting economic development lies in clarifying the development train of thought and establishing the development priorities so as to bring into play its own advantages with Turttle, to avoid weaknesses and promote prosperity with “superiority.” This is the only way for our poor counties. One of the key points and ideas: To consolidate the foundation of agriculture and make efforts to achieve “double growth” Agriculture is the basic industry with the overall economic status. To achieve “three stables, two balances” and “stabilize grain structure and increase income and get well-to-do”, grain production is undoubtedly the right decision with both fundamental and reality.
磨削铝或其它软金属材料时,采用附图所示的高压水喷头从一定方向冲洗砂轮表面,可清除压入砂轮表面的切屑,减少砂轮修正次数,提高加工效率。 喷嘴安装在砂轮安全罩内,距砂轮表
1987年,Air Products公司研制成功一种新型的电弧炉用分叉火焰烧嘴,这种烧嘴适用于中小型电弧炉,安全高效,投资大约是一般烧嘴的五分之一。 烧嘴火焰能自动地均匀分叉。两股
C 730 A多刀车床原设计主要用于车削外径。如正面装刀车削内径,因让刀弹簧承受切削力,横向滑板将随着毛坯内径留量的变化而发生位置变化,内径尺寸精度难以保证;若反向装刀车
Easy and hard magnetization curves of Nd_2Co_(14)B compound have been measured withextracting-sample-magnetometer(μ_0H_(max)=6T)at 10~300 K.Magnetic anisotropy
经济界权威人士认为,为使今年经济体制改革顺利进行,应在5个方面保持基本的稳定: 稳定物价 消费品价格已基本并轨, In the opinion of the authoritative personages of th
作者首先指出传统的淬火介质存在的问题,然后详细介绍了新型无毒淬火介质的生产工艺和使用效果。这种淬火介质是由水玻璃粉末与矿化剂(NaCl, The author first points out