The Seismo-Volcanic Crisis on the Dabbahu Magmatic Segment,Afar Rift,Ethiopia

来源 :地学前缘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nail_dingding
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The Afar depression is located at the junction among Red sea,Gulf of Aden and the East African Rifts.Tectonic and magmatic activities in Northern Afar have localized to approximately 60 km long, seismically and volcanically active magmatic segments. In September 2005 a seismo-volcanic event of unprecedented scale and intensity took place along the Dabbahu magmatic segment.This activity ruptured The Afar depression is located at the junction among Red sea, Gulf of Aden and the East African Rifts. Tectonic and magmatic activities in Northern Afar have localized to approximately 60 km long, seismically and volcanically active magmatic segments. In September 2005 a seismo-volcanic event of unprecedented scale and intensity took place along the Dabbahu magmatic segment.This activity ruptured
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