
来源 :宁波经济(财经视点) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guojade_2009
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度过新春佳节不久,宁波市十一届人大五次会议和政协十一届五次会议隆重举行,在两会中,众多的代表和委员把目光投向了诚信的这个话题,“切实加强信用宁波建设”成为今年市十一届人大五次会议的一号议案。诚信,这一古老的话题终于开始被人们重新认识和重视了。在中国传统文化中,诚实守信一直是为人称道的美德。孔老夫子的“吾日三省吾身”就涉及了“与人交而无信乎”的内容,说明中国人自古就是十分看重“言必信,行必果”的。然而,曾几何时,在我们的计划体制向市场经济体制转轨过程中,被称为安身立命之本的诚信却惨遭践踏,信用的普遍缺失和沦丧已成了社会普遍关注的突出问题。在我们的生存环境中,诚信危机确实存在。面对那些层出不穷的骗子,防不胜防的骗术,包装越来越“精美”的假货,手法不断翻新、令人瞪目结舌的诈骗案件,每一个善良的人都会感到深深的无奈和无助。假烟假酒、黑心 Soon after the Spring Festival, the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress of Ningbo Municipality and the Fifth Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee were held ceremoniously. During the two sessions, many representatives and members turned their attention to the topic of honesty and credit. Construction “became the first motion of the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress this year. Honesty, this ancient topic has finally begun to be re-recognized and valued by people. In traditional Chinese culture, honesty and trustworthiness have always been the virtue of praise. Confucius ’s Confucius ’ s ”Myself three provinces Wu body “ involves the ”people and no trust “ content, shows that Chinese people have always been very value ”words will be sure to do“. However, it was a time when the integrity of our planned system of transition to a market economy was trampled on, and the widespread lack of credit and loss have become prominent issues of general concern in the community. In our living environment, the crisis of honesty does exist. Faced with an endless stream of liar, unattainable tricks, packaging more and more ”exquisite " fake, constantly refurbished, stunned fraud cases, every kind person will feel deeply helpless and helpless. Fake cigarettes, black heart
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