
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silawangyue
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台湾有影响力的光盘制造厂家 L iteck,中环大型石油化学制造商 ,南亚塑胶等单位正在共同开发下一代光盘毛坯材料。新材料是一种叫做 m COC的物质。目前德国等国的世界性化学剂制造商也正致力于这种物质的开发。开发商声称在开发高性能催化剂的同时 ,在连续式中试厂进行试生产 , Taiwan’s influential optical disc manufacturer L iteck, a large petrochemical manufacturer in Central, South Asia Plastics and other units are working together to develop the next generation of optical disc blank material. The new material is a substance called m COC. At present, the world’s chemical manufacturers in Germany and other countries are also committed to the development of this material. Developers claim that in the development of high-performance catalyst at the same time, a pilot plant in a pilot production,
本文介绍工作在 P 波段380兆赫上的晶体管功率放大器,它具有30分贝以上的增益,10至20瓦的输出功率,3分贝带宽可达10%,及波形不失真等特点,级电路采用 LC 组成的升、降压匹配
Purpose To assess clinical follow-up data, and to identify donor epithelial c ells after homologous penetrating central limbo-keratoplasty in patients with g ra
对真正的艺术作品,人们也有理由要求在反映生活真实上不离大谱,在思想和艺术上的缺憾尽量少些,而不要更多地追求“卖点”而忽略了应有的恪守。 For real works of art, peop
Background: High factor Ⅷ activity levels increase the risk of venous thromboembolism. This study was carried out to investigate the association between factor
目的测定D-甲基苯丙胺在小鼠脑内的分布。方法小鼠尾静脉给予2 mg/kg(10μCi 14C-甲基苯丙胺),分别在给药后5、15、30和60 min处死,应用定量整体放射自显影技术,测定D-甲基苯
The water-soluble Ag nanoparticles capped with novel zwitterionic thioalkylated phosphorylcholine were synthesized.The Ag nanoparticles showed remarkable stabil