Nectin-like Molecule 1 Inhibits the Migration and Invasion of U251 Glioma Cells by Regulating the Ex

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Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of nectin-like molecule 1(NECL1) inhibiting the migration and invasion of U251 glioma cells.Methods We infected U251 glioma cells with adeno-nectin-like molecule 1(Ad-NECL1) or empty adenovirus(Ad).Transwell and wound healing assays were performed to observe the migration of U251 cells incubated with the cell supernatant from Ad-NECL1 or Ad infected U251 cells.DNA microarray was applied to screen the gene expression profile after the restoration of NECL1 in U251 glioma cell lines.The differential expression of osteopontin(OPN),a gene related to migration and invasion,was further analyzed with semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR),Western blot,and immunohistochemistry.Results The restoration of NECL1 inhibited migration of U251 cells significantly(P<0.05).Altogether 195 genes were found differentially expressed by microarray,in which 175 were up-regulated and 20 down-regulated,including 9 extracellular matrix proteins involved in the migration of cells.Both mRNA and protein expressions of OPN,the most markedly reduced extracellular matrix protein,were found decreased in U251 cells after restoration of NECL1.Immunohistochemical assay also detected an increase of OPN in glioma tissues,related with the progressing of malignant grade.Conclusion A link might exist between NECL1 and the extracellular matrix protein OPN in inhibiting the migration and invasion of U251 glioma cells. Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of nectin-like molecule 1 (NECL1) inhibiting the migration and invasion of U251 glioma cells. Methods We infected U251 glioma cells with adeno-nectin-like molecule 1 (Ad-NECL1) or empty adenovirus . Transwell and wound healing assays were performed to observe the migration of U251 cells incubated with the cell supernatant from Ad-NECL1 or Ad infected U251 cells. DNA microarray was applied to screen the gene expression profile after the restoration of NECL1 in U251 glioma cell lines . The differential expression of osteopontin (OPN), a gene related to migration and invasion, was further analyzed with semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blot, and immunohistochemistry. Results of The restoration of NECL1 inhibited migration of U251 cells significantly (P <0.05) .Altogether 195 genes were found differentially expressed by microarray, in which 175 were up-regulated and 20 down-regulated, including 9 extracellular matrix proteins involved in the migration of cells. Both mRNA and protein expressions of OPN, the most markedly reduced extracellular matrix protein, were found decreased in U251 cells after restoration of NECL1.Immunohistochemical assay also detected an increase of OPN in glioma tissues, related with the progressing of malignant grade. Confluence A link may exist between NECL1 and the extracellular matrix protein OPN in inhibiting the migration and invasion of U251 glioma cells.
【摘要】目的通过对我院上尿路腔内碎石术后并发急性感染休克患者的回顾性分析,探求科学的临床应对方式。方法回顾性分析我院收治的上尿路结石患者6例,其中男性5例,女性1例,全部病例在行腔内碎石后3h-12h内出现体温>39℃或39℃或<36℃、心律快、呼吸急、尿少等临床表现,虽给予处理,仍很快出现收缩压降至90mmHg以下,符合并发感染性休克的诊断。  1.2治疗方法6例患者一经诊断后,皆转入ICU,并
【摘要】目的分析综合治疗内分秘失调性骨质疏松症的临床疗效。方法应用综合疗法进行治疗,包括服用降钙素、性激素药物、促钙吸收药物及骨吸收抑制药物。结果临床治疗效果显著,患者的疼痛症状明显改善,骨密度得以提高,其中显效70例,有效2例,无效1例,总有效率为98.63%。结论在治疗内分泌失调性骨质疏松患者时,应注意运用内科治疗与外科手术治疗相结合的方法,以改善治疗效果。  【关键词】骨质疏松;内分泌失调;
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