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在阳新县审计局,人们经常可以看到一位行色匆匆,身材瘦弱但神情坦然坚毅的中年女性,她叫徐润新。局里的人无论职位高低,年龄大小,大家都会尊称她一声大姐。一名平平凡凡的职业女性,一位普普通通的行政事业股股长,何以能赢得从上到下一致的尊重和礼遇呢?是因为她的一身正气,两袖清风!也因为她的业务精湛,奋厉风行!更因为她做出了比普通女性更多的奉献和牺牲!审计是一项得罪人的工作,可性格爽直的徐润新对审计这一行却情有独钟。1985年春,她放弃了商业部门丰厚的待遇,放弃了几次进入政界的机会,毅然跨进了审计的大门。一转眼就是十三年,这期间尝遍了多少酸甜苦辣,经历了多少风风雨雨,如今年已四 Audit Office in Yangxin County, people often can see a hurry, thin figure but calm calm determination middle-aged woman, she called Xu Runxin. Regardless of the level of office staff, age, everyone will honor her as soon as Sister. A mediocre professional career woman, an ordinary executive career unit chief, why can win from top to bottom consistent respect and courtesy? Because of her integrity, the two sleeves breeze! Because of her business skills, Vigorous and fierce! More because she made more than ordinary women more dedication and sacrifice! Auditing is a sinister job, but straightforward character Xu Runxin on the audit but it has a soft spot. The spring of 1985, she gave up the generous treatment of the business sector, giving up several opportunities to enter the political arena, resolutely stepped into the auditor’s door. A blink of an eye is thirteen years, during which time how much bitter taste, experienced how the ups and downs, as the year has been four
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