
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnars
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Secretory IgA contributes towards the protection of mucosal surfaces against invading microorganisms. Objectives: Quantify secretory IgA titers in the saliva of women with HPV in the oropharynx and/or in the genital area. Subjects and methods: Seventy women with clinical genital HPV lesions and 70 women without HPV infection were tested for oral HPV DNA and the levels of total IgA in their saliva. One millilitre of saliva was collected, centrifuged and stored at- 80° C for the measurement of secretory IgA by nephelometry technique. A pool of oral pharyngeal cells was collected for HPV identification by polymerase chain reaction. Results: Oral HPV PCR was positive in 29 (21% ) women (26 women with genital HPV and only 3 women without genital HPV). Titers of secretory IgA were extremely lower in-patients with HPV DNA in the oropharynx when compared to HPV negative women (p < 0.0001). Genital HPV and smoking were also associated to low levels of total sIgA in saliva (p < 0.01). After multivariable analyses only the presence of HPV in the oral cavity and/or in genital area, but not smoking, was related to low levels of total secretory IgA. Conclusion: Women with low levels of total secretory IgA could be more susceptible to having their oralmucosa colonized by HPV. Secretory IgA contributes towards the protection of mucosal surfaces against invading microorganisms. Objectives: Quantify secretory IgA titers in the saliva of women with HPV in the oropharynx and / or in the genital area. Subjects and methods: Seventy women with clinical genital HPV lesions and 70 women without HPV infection were tested for oral HPV DNA and the levels of total IgA in their saliva. One milliliter of saliva was collected, centrifuged and stored at- 80 ° C for the measurement of secretory IgA by nephelometry technique. A pool of oral pharyngeal Results: Oral HPV PCR was positive in 29 (21%) women (26 women with genital HPV and only 3 women without genital HPV). Titers of secretory IgA were extremely lower in-patients with HPV DNA in the oropharynx when compared to HPV negative women (p <0.0001). Genital HPV and smoking were also associated with low levels of total sIgA in saliva (p <0.01). After mul tivariable analyzes of the presence of HPV in the oral cavity and / or in genital area, but not smoking, was related to low levels of total secretory IgA. Conclusion: Women with low levels of total secretory IgA could be more susceptible to having oralcoscosa colonized by HPV.
台湾著名书法篆刻家陈坤一先生是一位博学儒者,又是一位富于艺术想象力与创作表现力的艺术家;是一位曾在政府任职的文化官员,又是朋友同道中的一位谦谦君子。  他自幼喜爱书法,后师承王北岳、吴平等前辈名家。数十年来,他对书法篆刻艺术孜孜以求,付出了许多辛苦,又得到了许多欢乐,终于取得了令两岸同道所瞩目的艺术成就。子曰:“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。”坤一先生正是秉承着这种思想来“游于艺”的。艺术是他的