Research on Optimal Development Pattern of Yunnan Central Economic Region

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Linhan
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By the case study on the Urban Agglomeration Plan of Yunnan Central Economic Region (YCER), which is jointly made by Chinese and Swiss scholars, with the adoption of GIS and traditional urban planning methods, this paper uses multiple scenarios to analyze four development models of “Scattered Yunnan,” “Regional Yunnan,” “Metropolitan Yunnan” and “Network Yunnan.” It also explores the relatively rational scenarios for the future development of YCER, i.e., up to 2030, the development model of YCER will be “Regional,” and after 2030 it will be “Network.” In this way, YCER will be developed stably and methodically, and finally achieve the unification of ecological safety, intensified energy and resources, as well as prosperous economy. By the case study on the Urban Agglomeration Plan of Yunnan Central Economic Region (YCER), which is jointly made by Chinese and Swiss scholars, with the adoption of GIS and traditional urban planning methods, this paper uses multiple scenarios to analyze four development models of “Scattered Yunnan, ” Regional Yunnan, “” Metropolitan Yunnan “and ” Network Yunnan. “It also explores the relatively rational scenarios for the future development of YCER, ie, up to 2030, the development model of YCER will be ”Regional, “ and after 2030 it will be ”Network. " In this way, YCER will be developed stably and methodically, and finally achieve the unification of ecological safety, intensified energy and resources, as well as prosperous economy.
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