
来源 :电影评介 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:martelfeng
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邓小平同志在党的十二届二中全会上严肃地提出了思想战线不能搞精神污染的问题,为整个思想战线进一步指明了方向。我们的电影艺术,是思想文化领域的重要阵地之一。它通过银幕,每天都在影响着千百万观众,更应当坚持小平同志指明的方向,绝不能搞精神污染。然而,近几年来,我们的电影却不完全是这样。虽说很多影片是好的或比较好的,受到了党和人民的赞誉,但也有一些思想倾向不健康、艺术格调很低甚至追求庸俗低级趣味的影片,造成了严重的精神污染,产生了不良的社会效果。比如说,有的影片起劲地宣扬所谓“王府怪影”,散布反科学的、唯心主义的思想,引导人们脱离现实,去追求离奇虚幻的“鬼影’;有的影片歪曲了我们的时代,以暗淡的笔触来描绘今天的生活,在所谓“爱情悲剧”中把我们的社会主义社会比喻成了庞大的封建网络;有的影片不但“把爱情当做胡椒面”,而且为了迎合某些人的“趣 At the Second Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Central Committee, Comrade Deng Xiaoping seriously raised the question of the inability to engage in spiritual pollution on the ideological front and further pointed out the direction for the entire ideological front. Our film art is one of the important positions in the field of ideology and culture. Through the screen, it affects millions of viewers every day. It should even adhere to the direction indicated by Comrade Xiaoping and must never engage in mental pollution. However, in recent years, our film is not exactly the case. Although many films are good or relatively good, praised by the party and the people, there are also some films that are unhealthy in ideology, low in artistic style, or even vulgar and vulgar, causing serious mental pollution and generating bad social effect. For example, some films have vigorously promoted the so-called “kings and monsters”, spread anti-scientific and idealist ideas, and led people out of the reality to pursue bizarre “ghosting”; some films have distorted our times, Depict today’s life with dim brushstrokes and metaphorically compare our socialist society to a vast feudal network in the so-called “love tragedy.” Some films not only “treat love as pepperoni,” but also cater to the needs of certain people "interest
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