
来源 :内陆水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenping1980
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我国是一个人多地少的农业国。农业的发展极为重要。党中央对我国农业的发展高度重视,最近召开的十三届八中全会专门研究了加速农业发展的问题。实践证明,农业的发展一靠政策,二靠科技,三靠投入。水产业是农业中的一个重要组成部分,它的发展也不例外。我国淡水养鱼的历史悠久,经验丰富。改革开放以来,随着水产科学技术的普及和提高、水产科技成果的推广应用,我国的淡水养殖正处在一个崭新阶段,无论是养殖技术、养殖面积、单位产量和经济效益都有了很大发展,近十年来,湖南省获国家级、部级和省级的农业重大科技成果奖达377项,此外还有一大批地县级科技成果。仅我所就有40多项。水产的发展过程实际上就是科技成果的推广应用过程。家鱼人工繁殖技术的普及,推动了养殖面积的猛增,促进了其它技术的发展;大量的科技成果。新品种、新技术的应用,促进了水产 Our country is an agricultural country with a small population. The development of agriculture is extremely important. The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the development of agriculture in our country. The 8th Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee recently held a special study on the issue of accelerating agricultural development. Practice has proved that the development of agriculture depends on the policy, the second depends on science and technology, three rely on inputs. Aquaculture is an important part of agriculture and its development is no exception. Our freshwater fish has a long history and rich experience. Since the reform and opening up, with the popularization and improvement of science and technology of aquatic products and the popularization and application of aquatic scientific and technological achievements, freshwater aquaculture in China is at a completely new stage. Both aquaculture technology, breeding area, unit output and economic benefits have been very large In the recent ten years, Hunan Province has won 377 major scientific and technological achievement awards at the national, ministerial and provincial levels in agriculture, in addition to a large number of county-level scientific and technological achievements. Only I have more than 40 items. The development of aquatic products is actually the popularization and application of scientific and technological achievements. The popularization of domestic fish artificial propagation technology has promoted the surge of farmed area and promoted the development of other technologies; a large number of scientific and technological achievements. The application of new varieties and new technologies has promoted aquaculture
麻阳县文昌阁乡黄土坡村是个人多田少的贫困山村。为了振兴村级经济,该村充分利用锦和电站引水渠水面资源,进行围拦养鱼试验首次获得成功。 1990年初,该村在地、县水产技术
A facile method was used to prepare gold-platinum (Au-Pt) catalysts by direct electrodeposition via cyclic voltammetry in an acidic medium. Various parameters t
8例肝豆状核变性中,7例有角膜K-F环,血清铜氧化酶值均低,多数有肝病表现,约半数有神经系统及精神症状。 In 8 cases of hepatolenticular degeneration, 7 cases had cornea