Curriculum and Pedagogy in School Education

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  【Abstract】Both curriculum and pedagogy play a significant role for the success of school education, curriculum and pedagogy are indicate respectively the teaching content and teaching methods implemented by teachers.In this paper, the relationship between curriculum and pedagogy will be studied in detail.
  【Key Word】curriculum; pedagogy; teaching content; teaching method; teacher; role
  Both curriculum and pedagogy play a significant role for the success of school education and much attention have been paid to them by educationists and scholars.Although the definitions of the two terms are distinctive, indicating respectively the teaching content and teaching methods, they commonly merge together in the classroom education.And compared with curriculum, pedagogy is often less concerned by faculty members, and many of the teaching failures are attributed to the use of unsuccessful pedagogy approaches and strategies.
  In this paper, the relationship between curriculum and pedagogy will be studied in detail.First, the definitions of the two educational terms will be distinguished.The different roles of curriculum and pedagogy in education will be described, and the insufficient focus on pedagogy in comparison with curriculum will be pointed out.The mutual relationship of curriculum and pedagogy in teaching practice will be demonstrated, and the requirements of outcomes-based education will be discussed.Particularly, the principles for a proper pedagogy and the requirements for teachers will be considered.
  2.Curriculum and pedagogy in practice
  The definition of curriculum and pedagogy
  The definitions of the terms of “curriculum” and “pedagogy” are clear.Curriculum is defined as the subject or content matter being taught, and pedagogy indicates the teaching art or science or the techniques utilized by teachers to teach students (Gregory, 2001).The structure of a curriculum is usually divided on several levels.In the overall framework, the purposes, principles and values which underpin the curriculum are set out, and the learning outcomes that are required to be achieved by students are provided.The pedagogy approaches and strategies are designed and implemented by the teacher responsible for the curriculum teaching.
  It is necessary to develop appropriate curriculum and pedagogy to motivate and engage students in classroom learning and achieve anticipatory results (Penney et al,,2009).In the curriculum framework, the teachers are generally provided with opportunities to adjust the teaching content and delivery manners to meet the special needs of the students, school, local communities, and so on.A series of flexibilities are available for teachers in classroom, including the selection of studying text, the use of techniques of learning, the choice of a topic employed to present a conception or theme, the manners of instruction, and the assignment of topics and fashions of presentation.Teachers could use these flexibilities to choose the most appropriate content and approaches of teaching that are most appealing to students and maximize the motivation and engagement of all students.   The difference between curriculum and pedagogy
  As discussed above, a good teaching result could not be guaranteed merely by the formulation of a well-thought-of curriculum.However, in reality pedagogy is often not concerned as curriculum.It is criticized by Gregory (2001) that conventional faculty members paid less attention to pedagogy than curriculum.As described by him, the curriculum is treated by most faculty members in the manner that bankers deal with investments.Much time and effort are spent on the thinking and planning of curricular matters, including reasoning and analyzing, experience collection, the consideration of long-term and short-term knowledge dividends, and so on.However, when facing the matters of teaching, many faculty members act more like barnstormers, who behave primarily by instinct and repeat things that worked previously, instead of formulating teaching methods via meticulously speculating and planning.Many teachers do not have the professional or intellectual control on teaching as they have on curriculum formulation.In most cases, it is not realized the fact that teaching not only affects but often decides how students comprehend the curriculum (Booth, 1998: 298).Therefore, many of the teaching failures are considered as the result of utilization of unsuccessful pedagogy approaches and strategies (Gregory, 2001).
  For teachers, it is a different problem about presenting a well-planned curriculum to students as educating them.The real objective of educating, as indicated by Gregory (2001), is that students are helped to understand the approaches to assimilate and integrate the curriculum content into their minds and daily to help them in their real livelihood.The essence of curriculum could not be delivered to students by the method of rigid lecturing.Taking the education of humanity science for example, the great writings and arts do not appear great automatically to most of the students, and the interests and passion for them have to be fired not only by the presence of great works but also by the example of the teacher who seems to be filled with a particular kind of life due to the understanding and love for a specific subject (Palmer, 1998:21).
  The curriculum and pedagogy in practice
  Although curriculum and pedagogy are clearly defined, they could not be separated in classroom education.In practice, curriculum and pedagogy merge together.The content of curriculum is mandated by the education departments, and the manner in which the curriculum is delivered and presented is controlled by the teachers.There the educational effect and achievement depend both upon the curriculum content and pedagogy of the teachers.A dull curriculum could be energized and linked to real lives by a teacher that is talented and inspired.On the contrary, an interesting and imaginative curriculum could be poorly delivered and made as less appealing an unmotivated or mediocre teacher.It is concluded by various researches that the impact of classroom teachers is a large factor for the academic achievements of students, which is much important than the influence of school and socio-economic elements (Rivkin et al , 2005; Wenglinsky, 2002).It is found that the impacts of classroom practices of teachers are comparable to the student background, and that teachers could contribute as much to classroom learning as students themselves (Wenglinsky, 2002).Therefore, a series of strategies to support and meet the learning needs to students should be developed.   The development and update of curriculum have posed new challenges for pedagogy.The design of curriculum is being changed in the direction of outcomes-based education, which is different from the traditional content-based approach (Killen, 2000; Lawson
他静静地坐在那儿,等着。他的背轻轻地靠在椅背上,摆在桌子上的双手交叉成金字塔的形状。他的眼睛盯着墙上的单向透明镜,冲透过镜子向里监视的警察微笑着,想要他们看到他的自信和优势。  侦探马库斯·奎尔坐在桌子对面,仔细打量着这个被拘押的犯罪嫌疑人。那种想要证明自己是最坚强的、能够控制住自己的表情,他见过无数次了。每次看到嫌疑人表现出这种妄想的心态,试图把自己当成审讯室的主人时,奎尔都会忍不住想笑。  奎
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【摘要】文章通过分析目前旅游英语教学过程存在的主要问题,并结合笔者在教学改革过程当中的实践经验,浅谈对高职旅游英语课程改革思考。  【关键词】旅游英语 课程改革 实践  一、引言  改革开放后,我国旅游行业得到了迅猛发展,随之而来的是旅游人才大量缺乏。2011年发布的《海南省旅游人才发展状况调研报告》(简称《报告》)指出,在未来10年,海南旅游行业人才需求缺口超过20万人。各大院校的旅游英语专业如
【摘要】文章立足于小学英语教学中的哑巴英语现象,提出论题:说出来的英语才是真正的英语。论述了小学英语教学中,口语训练的主要策略:激发兴趣,爱说英语;情景创设,多说英语,使“说”英语成为一种习惯。  【关键词】小学英语 口语 兴趣  “兴趣是最好的老师”、“兴趣是学习之母”。新课程标准也把兴趣的激发放在首位,强调了兴趣在英语学习中的作用。下面从兴趣的激发、情境的创设等方面论述激发学生说英语的积极性,
【摘要】探索型實践是由英国著名语言学家Dick Allwright在行动研究的基础上提出的,其宗旨在于理解课堂生活质量。该理论在国内外的影响正逐步扩大,探索型实践使教师的教学生涯变得更加有内涵,教师能从根本上转变对教学的态度,使自己的职业能力得到可持续发展。本文首先介绍了探索型实践的内涵,随后从交际层面对其作进一步的探讨。  【关键词】探索型实践 生活质量 交际层面 教师发展  一、引言  “探索
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【Abstract】We firstly introduces the content and idea of Ellen’s essay, gathering according materials searching on internet, then make concerning critical evaluation.  【Key words】Assistive technology;