An effective initial polytherapy for children with West syndrome

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hitlic2009
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Adrenocorticotropic hormone is recommended worldwide as an initial therapy for infantile spasms. However, infantile spasms in about 50% of children cannot be fully controlled by adrenocorticotropic hormone monotherapy, seizures recur in 33% of patients who initially respond to adrenocorticotropic hormone monotherapy, and side effects are relatively common during adrenocorticotropic hormone treatment. Topiramate, vitamin B 6 , and immunoglobulin are effective in some children with infantile spasms. In the present study, we hypothesized that combined therapy with adrenocorticotropic hormone, topiramate, vitamin B 6 , and immunoglobulin would effectively treat infantile spasms and have mild adverse effects. Thus, 51 children newly diagnosed with West syndrome including infantile spasms were enrolled and underwent polytherapy with the four drugs. Electroencephalographic hypsarrhythmia was significantly improved in a majority of patients, and these patients were seizure-free, had mild side effects, and low recurrence rates. The overall rates of effective treatment and loss of seizures were significantly higher in cryptogenic children compared with symptomatic children. The mean time to loss of seizures in cryptogenic children was significantly shorter than in symptomatic patients. These findings indicate that initial polytherapy with adrenocorticotropic hormone, topiramate, vitamin B 6 , and immunoglobulin effectively improves the prognosis of infantile spasms, and its effects were superior in cryptogenic children to symptomatic children. However, infantile spasms in about 50% of children can not be fully controlled by adrenocorticotropic hormone monotherapy, seizures recur in 33% of patients who initially respond to adrenocorticotropic hormone monotherapy, and side effects Topiramate, vitamin B 6, and immunoglobulin are effective in some children with infantile spasms. In the present study, we hypothesized that combined therapy with adrenocorticotropic hormone, topiramate, vitamin B 6, and immunoglobulin wouldfficient treat Thus, 51 children newly diagnosed with West syndrome including infantile spasms were enrolled and underwent polytherapy with the four drugs. Electroencephalographic hypsarrhythmia was significantly improved in a majority of patients, and these patients were seizure-free, had mild side effects, and low recurrence rates. The overall rates of effective treatment and loss of seizures were significantly higher in cryptogenic children compared with symptomatic children. The mean time to loss of seizures in cryptogenic children was significantly shorter than in symptomatic patients. initial polytherapy with adrenocorticotropic hormone, topiramate, vitamin B 6, and immunoglobulin effectively improves the prognosis of infantile spasms, and its effects were superior in cryptogenic children to symptomatic children.
80年代,我还是起重电器厂的一名普通工人。那个时候,“文化大革命”结束不久,物质生活和精神生活还不丰富,电视节目少,也不普及,所以为数不多的几种报刊就成了人们主要的休闲大餐。在我的记忆中,最熟悉的两本刊物就是《大众电影》和《八小时以外》,而《八小时以外》最贴近我们普通老百姓的生活,精彩纷呈,期期引人入胜。  记得当年我每月的工资还不到四十块钱,给家里交完生活费后,剩下的钱买个早点都得计算着花,为了
我和《八小时以外》接触大约是90年代,那时在繁忙琐碎枯燥的教学工作以外到学校阅览室看报纸杂志是我最喜欢的消闲方式。某天看到一本叫《八小时以外》的杂志,立即被它的杂志名称吸引住了,“八小时以外”,这不就是为我们上班族特办的杂志吗?这个独特新颖的杂志标题意在告诉读者,抛开工作,抛开繁忙,静下心来,到我这儿休闲娱乐,它会给你快乐愉悦。于是我便与这本不谈工作只是休闲娱乐的女性杂志结下了缘。  一般来说,休
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