Zanhuang County:Historic Temples and Steles

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County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties. Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue. County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Historic counties have not only done administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties. Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.
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