Battling Against Leprosy

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WHEN Professor Li Huanying visitedNanxing Village—one of the “lepers’villages” in Xishuangbanna DaiAutonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, sherefused to put on protective clothing, unlike manyprevious visiting doctors there. No rubber boots andgloves, no gauze mask or special clothing that isburned when out of the village. She examined thepatients’ wounds, then shook their hands. That was in 1979, when leprosy was stillconsidered an incurable disease and people tried tokeep away from those afflicted as much as possible. WHEN Professor Li Huanying visitedNanxing Village-one of the “lepers’villages” in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, sherefused to put on protective clothing, unlike manyprevious visiting doctors there. No rubber boots andgloves, no gauze mask or special clothing that She was thepatients’ wounds, then shook their hands. That was in 1979, when leprosy was stillconsidered an incurable disease and people tried tokeep away from those afflicted as much as possible.
(续上期)3小口径管状水平固定加障碍V型坡口对接TIG焊单面焊双面成形操作3.1技术操作特点小口径管状V型坡口对接水平固定焊难度较大。其原因有:一是管径 (Continued) 3 Smal
摘要:对于小学低年级阶段,儿童可塑性较强,是养成良好学习习惯的最佳时期。特别是一年级学生,有许多大大小小的习惯要着重从头培养,一旦养成良好的学习习惯,就能使学生建立起稳定有效的学习模式,才能提高学习效率,收到事半功倍的效果。  关键词:小学数学;习惯;培养  “合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。”对于小学低年级阶段,儿童可塑性较强,是养成良好学习习惯的最佳时期。特别是一年
IN a building in Fangzhuang’s residentquarters lives an old woman of Chinesedescent.Not so unusual you would thinkexcept that she holds an American passportan
在严峻的就业形势面前,创业带动就业已成为现今社会的主旋律。创业去,不再是一句空话,它实实在在地影响着人们,也造就了一批又一批的创业 In the face of the severe employ