Factors associated with increased incidence of severe toxicities following yttrium-90 resin microsph

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yexianyang
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AIM: To further define variables associated with increased incidences of severe toxicities following administration of yttrium-90(~(90)Y) microspheres. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients undergoing 79 treatments were retrospectively assessed for development of clinical and laboratory toxicity incidence following ~(90)Y administration. Severe toxicity events were defined using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.03 and defined as grade ≥ 3. Univariate logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the effect of different factors on the incidence of severe toxicity events. Multicollinearity was assessed for all factors with P < 0.1 using Pearson correlation matrices. All factors not excluded due to multicollinearity were included in a multivariate logistic regression model for each measurement of severe toxicity.RESULTS: Severe(grade ≥ 3) toxicities occurred following 21.5% of the 79 treatments included in our analysis. The most common severe laboratory toxicities were severe alkaline phosphatase(17.7%), albumin(12.7%), and total bilirubin(10.1%) toxicities. Decreased pre-treatment albumin(OR = 26.2, P = 0.010) and increased pre-treatment international normalized ratio(INR)(OR = 17.7, P = 0.048) were associated with development of severe hepatic toxicity. Increased pre-treatment aspartate aminotransferase(AST; OR = 7.4, P = 0.025) and decreased pre-treatment hemoglobin(OR = 12.5, P = 0.025) were associated with severe albumin toxicity. Increasing pre-treatment model for end-stage liver disease(MELD) score(OR = 1.8, P = 0.033) was associated with severe total bilirubin toxicity. Colorectal adenocarcinoma histology was associated with severe alkaline phosphatase toxicity(OR = 5.4, P = 0.043).CONCLUSION: Clinicians should carefully consider pre-treatment albumin, INR, AST, hemoglobin, MELD, and colorectal histology when choosing appropriate candidates for ~(90) Y microsphere therapy. AIM: To further define articles associated with increased incidence of severe toxicities following administration of yttrium-90 (~ (90) Y) microspheres. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients undergoing 79 treatments were retrospectively assessed for development of clinical and laboratory toxicity incidence following ~ (90) Y administration. Severe toxicity events were defined using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.03 and defined as grade ≥ 3. Univariate logistic regression analyzes were used to evaluate the effect of different factors on the incidence of severe toxicity events. Multicollinearity was assessed for all factors with P <0.1 using Pearson correlation matrices. All factors not excluded due to multicollinearity were included in a multivariate logistic regression model for each measurement of severe toxicity .RESULTS: Severe (grade ≥ 3) 79 treatments included in our analysis. The most common severe laboratory toxicities were significantly alkaline phosphatase (17.7%), albumin (12.7%) and total bilirubin (10.1%) toxicities. Decreased pre-treatment albumin (OR = 26.2, P = 0.010) and increased pre-treatment international normalized ratio OR = 17.7, P = 0.048) were associated with development of severe hepatic toxicity. Increased pre-treatment aspartate aminotransferase (AST; associated with severe albumin toxicity. Increased pre-treatment model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score (OR = 1.8, P = 0.033) was associated with severe total bilirubin toxicity. = 5.4, P = 0.043) .CONCLUSION: Clinicians should carefully incorporated a pre-treatment albumin, INR, AST, hemoglobin, MELD, and colorectal histology when choosing appropriate candidates for ~
核心问题解决过程就是学生学习新知识的过程。在教学中教师如果创设了合适的核心问题,那么整节课的教学都围绕这个问题展开,学生的思维就有了聚焦,学生的素养就得到了提升,课堂的效率、效果就会更明显。  一個问题的提出,于文本内容能牵一发而动全身,于学生学习能激发主动探究意识并帮助学生找到最合宜的切入点,于教学目标能直接指向课程内容隐含的重点目标......这样的问题就是核心问题。教学中,教师找准了核心问题
【摘 要】只有运用好五步教学法,打造富有职教特色的高效课堂,作为职教工作者的我们才能真正激发中职生学习的热情。我以职高语文《胡同文化》为例,从“导、学、议、战、评”五大环节,来阐释五步教学法给中职生带来的情感的陶冶,灵魂的洗涤,艺术的享受。  【关键词】五步教学法 职教 高效课堂  人,首先为儿为女,接着为夫为妻,最后为父为母,然而,在所有角色中,如果有一段为师的历程,那么他的人生必定多了份精彩与
【摘 要】在全面推进素质教育的今天,每一位教师要有意识地教会学生学习,并努力促进学生学会学习,而培养学生的自学能力就尤为重要,丝毫也不能忘记和放松。  【关键词】自学能力 培养途径 方法 素质教育  作为小学语文教师,不仅要让学生学到语文基础知识掌握语文基本技能,更重要是要教会学生怎样学习,掌握打开知识宝库的钥匙,能够自己去获取知识。  一、激发兴趣  实践表明,学生的学习兴趣是自主学习的原动力。
美育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是对学生进行体会美、陶冶美、创造美的教育。这种教育主要是通过教师利用多种多样的美感形式,教育手段和教学途径,帮助学生树立正确的审美观,使学生对客观现实和主观意识的美与丑具有一定的感受力、欣赏力和创造力,从而丰富他们的精神世界,塑造健全完美的学生个体人格。笔者认为,语文教学中的美育主要包含三方面内容。  第一,教师主体在教学过程中所体现、形成的美。如教师的品德美、气质美
在课堂上进行情境教学的目的是以激发和调动情感为核心,从学生的心理需要入手,制造或创设与教学内容相适应的场景和氛围,引起学生的情感体验,从而促进学生的心理机能和谐发展。在思想品德教学中,运用情境教学是学科发展趋势的要求,也是学生心灵的需要,笔者认为在思品课堂上进行情境教学应掌握以下几种原则和方法。  一、为情境课堂寻找情感依托  情感的激发既是情境课堂的前提,也是情境课堂的目标,可以说二者互为前提,
AIM: To evaluate the prognostic factors of hilar cholangiocarcinoma in a large series of patients in a single institution.METHODS: Eight hundred and fourteen pa