Surface analysis and electrochemical behaviour of the self-assembled polydopamine/dodecanethiol comp

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ninetails
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A self-assembled 1-dodecanethiol film assisted with the preferential adhesion of polydopamine was prepared on the non-etching 304 stainless steel surfaces by a simple dip-coating method.The formation and surface structure of the film were characterized by water contact angle measurement,atomic force microscopy(AFM),and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The corrosion behavior of the complex films was evaluated by Tafel polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).The excellent corrosion resistance property could be attributed to the compact hybrid film structure and superior seawater stability for modified 304 stainless steel surface. A self-assembled 1-dodecanethiol film assisted with the preferential adhesion of polydopamine was prepared on the non-etching 304 stainless steel surfaces by a simple dip-coating method. The formation and surface structure of the film were characterized by water contact angle measurement, . The corrosion behavior of the complex films was evaluated by Tafel polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The excellent corrosion resistance property could be attributed to the compact hybrid (AFM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy film structure and superior seawater stability for modified 304 stainless steel surface.
【摘要】 目的 探讨剖宫产产后出血的原因及高危因素。方法 收集我院2010年2月——2013年5月救治的60例产后出血患者,同时选择同期剖宫产无产后出血的产妇60例作为对照组,对两组产妇资料包括年龄、身高、临产前BMI(kg/m2)、临产前体重、新生儿体重、新生儿身长进行比较。结果 两组产妇在年龄、身高和新生儿身长方面比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但是观察组产妇在临产前BMI(kg/m2)、临
二十年前,苏联解体前后,中共高层随着事态的发展做出各种研判和应对。在这个历史重要关口的关键抉择,考验着中国最高领导层的政治智慧,因为这不仅关系着外交领域的转变,更关乎中国未来的走向。  1991年12月25日下午,北京朝阳门内大街外交部大楼四层,一阵电话铃声在一间办公室响起,外交部苏欧司副司长李景贤接起电话,电话来自远在莫斯科的中国驻苏联特命全权大使王荩卿。  “苏联央视预告今晚七点钟有重要新闻直
先看下面的例子: And then she did one of these amazingly bold things that she’d doneabout twice before in their lives. “Where was there ever such a monk?” Ya
[关 键 词] 张爱玲;《金锁记》;曹七巧  [中图分类号] I207 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)13-0072-01  张爱玲的代表作《金锁记》以月下老人回忆往事的笔法将故事娓娓道来。七巧的悲剧是人的欲望与现实之间不能满足的矛盾,进而导致的内心畸形——对身边所有的幸福的人的报复心态。  《金锁记》是一篇写女人的小说。在写女人的小说中从未见过有谁能像张爱玲这样