“鲜”字当头南昌菜 兼顾东西南北,每道菜都是文化

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南昌饭馆多如牛毛,养出了南昌人对美食的刁钻习性,正因如此,南昌厨师才会更加注重技术的纯熟,所谓精益求精,概莫如此。赣南菜在南昌形成了两帮——东胜帮与瑶池帮,两帮主要以“赣南小炒鱼”为擂台竞赛。“赣南小炒鱼”是赣南菜中的基本菜品,却也最考验厨师。赣菜的特色就如同其菜色种类一样,就算花三天三夜也说不清,但究其根本,离不开一个“鲜”字——最终目的是突出食材的原汁原味。蜿蜒的赣江,源出赣闽边界武夷山西麓,自南向北纵贯江西省,从山丘流入峡谷,又曲曲折折地穿行于丘陵之间,在下游趋于平缓,最终通过鄱阳湖与长江相连,而鄱阳湖的西南岸,便是南昌。南昌,以“南方繁荣昌盛”而得名,自古有“粤户闽庭,吴头楚尾”之称。南昌从来都算不上是商 Nanchang, such as more expensive restaurants, Nanchang people raised the tricky food habits, because of this, Nanchang chefs will pay more attention to the skill of the skilled, the so-called excellence, no such case. Gannan cuisine in Nanchang formed two groups - Dongsheng help and Yao Chi gang, two gang mainly to “Gannan small fried fish” as the arena competition. “Gannan small fried fish ” is Gannan cuisine in the basic dishes, but also the most test chef. The characteristics of Jiangxi cuisine is the same as the variety of dishes. Even if it takes three days and three nights, it can not be said clearly. However, its basic function is inseparable from the word “fresh” - the ultimate goal is to highlight the original ingredients. The winding Ganjiang River flows out of the western foot of Wuyishan Mountain on the border of Jiangxi and Fujian, runs through Jiangxi Province from south to north, flows into the valley from the hills and twists and turns between the hills, and tends to be gentle in the lower reaches. Finally, Connected with the Yangtze River, and the southwestern coast of Poyang Lake is Nanchang. Nanchang, named after its “southern prosperity”, has long been known as “Cantonese Min Ting and Wu Tau Chu”. Nanchang has never been a business
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晚上,美丽的月亮公主偷偷溜出来玩了。她拨开云层一看,“呀,地上的小朋友都穿着五颜六色的衣服,真好看呀!要是我也有像他们那样漂亮的衣服,那该多好呀!” In the evening, t
请把这块不规则的图形分成5块形状、大小完全相同的图形。怎么分? Please divide this irregular shape into five shapes and shapes of the same size. How to divide?
在蜘蛛猴家庭中,不论是那一只猴子,都会在树上“倒挂”,可小马丁偏偏不会。上一次摔了一次,所以小马丁一点也不喜欢上树,对自己失去了信心。 In a spider monkey family, no