High Sensitivity Biomolecular Recognition Device Based on Giant Magnetoresistance Effect

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ni00ni
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The structure and microfabrication,the detecting theory and the way of biomolecular recognition device based on giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect are introduced,also the signal detecting and processing instrumentation are presented. Here the GMR biosensor was fabricated with magnetic tunnel junction(MJT) material.The biomolecular recognition device contains an array of MJT sensors,single MJT sensor size is 10μm×20μm,tunneling magnetoresistance ratio(TMR) at room temperature is 52.2%,the typical values of junction resistance-area product Rs is 2.6 kΩμm~2,detecting sensitivity of this system is about 8×10~(-4) A·m~(-1).Bioadaptation layer of this device was fabricated with PDMS the thickness of which is less than 100 nm. The structure and microfabrication, the detecting theory and the way of biomolecular recognition device based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect are presented, also the signal detecting and processing instrumentation are presented. Here the GMR biosensor was fabricated with magnetic tunnel junction (MJT) material The tunnel junction magnetoresistance ratio (TMR) at room temperature is 52.2%, and the typical values ​​of junction resistance-area product Rs is 2.6 kΩμm ~ 2, the MJT sensor size is 10 μm × 20 μm, detection sensitivity of this system is about 8 × 10 -4 A · m -1. Bioadaptation layer of this device was fabricated with PDMS the thickness of which is less than 100 nm.
摘要:随着新课改理念的渗透,创造小学语文良好学习氛围已经成为提高教学效率和学生学习质量的主要内容,并得到了大量教学实践的验证。良好的学习氛围能够促使学生主动学习,激活和调动学生的思维,促使学生积极探索和深入思考,真正发挥学生教学主体的价值,奠定学生语文学习的基础。本文将以《走,我们去植树》一课为例就如何创造小学语文良好学习氛围进行研究。  关键词:小学语文;阅读氛围;营造方法  中图分类号:G62
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