
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voyager4032
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate fetal outcome and maternal complicat ions of multifetal pregnancy reduction to a single fetus or twins. To evaluate s afety and efficacy of transabdominal chorionic villus sampling for karyotyping b efore fetal reduction. Four hundred twenty-four consecutive multiple pregnancie s were reduced to twins (255 pregnancies) or a single fetus (169 pregnancies) at 8 to 13 weeks of gestation after transabdominal chorionic villus sampling for f etal karyotyping. Fetal and maternal outcome were observed prospectively and com pared with control series of twin (147) and singleton (885)-pregnancies in whic h reduction procedures were not performed. Transabdominal chorionic villus sampl ing was performed successfully in 100%of the cases. The accuracy of karyotyping was 99.2%. The overall pregnancy loss rate after reduction was 3.3%. No diffe rences were observed between study and control series for severe prematurity, lo w birth weight, and neonatal deaths. Mean gestational age at delivery (35.2%vs 38.1%) and mean birth weight (2180 g vs 2873 g) were significantly lower; prete rm delivery (64%vs 11%), neonatal death (3.4%vs 0.6%), and maternal complica tions (42.8%vs 9.5%) were significantly higher when the reduction was to twins rather than in reduction to a single fetus. Pregnancy loss rate did not differ between study series. The overall rate of chromosomal abnormalities in the study series was higher (relative risk, 2.0) than in singleton control series. The ou tcome of multiple pregnancies that were reduced to a single fetus or twins was s imilar to that of nonreduced pregnancies; fetal and maternal complications were significantly lower in the series of pregnancies that were reduced to a single f etus. The safety and efficacy of transabdominal chorionic villus sampling and th e higher pregnancy rate of chromosomal abnormalities in multiple pregnancies imp ly that fetal karyotyping should be advised before fetal reduction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate fetal outcome and maternal complicat ions of multifetal pregnancy reduction to a single fetus or twins. To evaluate s safety and efficacy of transabdominal chorionic villus sampling for karyotyping b efore fetal reduction. Four hundred twenty-four consecutive multiple pregnancie s were reduced to twins (255 pregnancies) or a single fetus (169 pregnancies) at 8 to 13 weeks of gestation after transabdominal chorionic villus sampling for f etal karyotyping. Fetal and maternal outcome were observed prospectively and com pared with control series of twin (147) and singleton (885) -pregnancies in whic h reduction procedures were not performed. Transabdominal chorionic villus sampl ing was performed successfully in 100% of the cases. The accuracy of karyotyping was 99.2%. The overall pregnancy loss rate after reduction was 3.3%. No diffe rences were observed between study and control series for severe prematurity, lo w birth weight, and neonatal deaths. Mean gestational age at delivery (35.2% vs 38.1%) and mean birth weight (2180 vs 2873 g) were significantly lower; preterm rm delivery (64% vs 11%), neonatal death Pregnancy loss rate did not differ between study series. The overall rate of chromosomal abnormalities in the study series was higher (42.8% vs 9.5%) were significantly higher when the reduction was to twins rather than in reduction to a single fetus. Relative risk, 2.0) than in singleton control series. The ou tcome of multiple pregnancies that were reduced to a single fetus or twins was s imilar to that of nonreduced pregnancies; fetal and maternal complications were significantly lower in the series of pregnancies that were reduced to a single f etus. The safety and efficacy of transabdominal chorionic villus sampling and th e higher pregnancy rate of chromosomal abnormalities in multiple pregnancies imp ly that fetal karyotyping should be advised before fetal reduction.
几年前笔者曾随某省的一个政府官员代表团去欧洲考察访问,返程时顺访英国。到达伦敦后不少团员向我提出要求可否去看一下马克思的墓,他们说:信了一辈子马克思主义,现在好不容易来到了“老祖宗”的身边,怎么也得到墓地表达一下崇敬之情吧。我没太多思考便同意了,因为记得多年以前学习英语时有一篇课文中似乎写着马克思在伦敦去世后,由当地的工人无产者安葬在了伦敦的海德公园(Hyde Park)。第二天,提前完成了参观项
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