A King And A Spider

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyun120
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  Once the enemies of a king took his kingdom. The king fought hard but was defeated by his enemies. They occupied his kingdom. The king fled away from his capital. The enemies tried to capture the king. He later collected soldiers and fought with the enemies six times, but he could not defeat them. The enemies tried their best to capture him. They offered reward for his capture by anybody. Some people were tempted by this offer and also tried to capture the king. For this reason the king hid himself in many places. When he was about to give up, still he did not submit to his enemies.
  Once he hid himself in a cave. He was in despair. He thought that he would never be able to recover his lost kingdom. Once he thought of submitting to his enemies. At this time he saw that a spider was trying to climb up to the roof of the cave. The spider failed again and again, but it didn’t give up its attempt. In this way it tried six times. Still it failed again. In the next attempt the spider succeeded in climbing up the roof.
  This was a lesson to the king. He was inspired by the example of the spider. He thought of fighting with the enemies again with a renewed vigor. He collected faithful followers once more and attacked his enemies. This time the king and his men fought so bravely for the freedom of their country that the enemies were defeated. The king recovered his lost kingdom.
  capture v. 俘獲,捕获
  tempt v. 诱惑
  submit to 服从,屈服于
  attempt n. 尝试,努力
  (Patience and perseverance lead to success.)
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