芝麻生长发育及开花结实规律的研究 Ⅱ、开花结实律规

来源 :河南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisdc
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芝麻散粉、开花和结实是其繁衍后代的重要生物学特性。自1964~1966年国内已对芝麻开花授精及胚胎发育进行研究,但是,对芝麻开花结实规律研究报道甚少。因此,揭示和了解芝麻散粉开花结实,对芝麻的育种及栽培管理,可提供一定的理论依据。一、材料和方法试验于1980年在郑州,1985、1986年在试验基点平舆县新新科研站进行。观察芝麻开花顺序的品种,详见本文1中的材料和方法部分。 1985年,我们对豫芝一号、中芝七号和河 Sesame powder, flowering and fruiting is an important biological characteristics of their offspring. Since 1964 to 1966, sesame flowering insemination and embryo development have been studied in China, but there are few reports on the law of flowering and fruiting of sesame. Therefore, to reveal and understand the strong flowering of sesame loose powder, sesame breeding and cultivation management, can provide some theoretical basis. First, the material and method test in 1980 in Zhengzhou, 1985, 1986 in the pilot point Pingyu County, a new research station. See sesame flowering varieties, as detailed in the Materials and Methods section of this article. In 1985, we Yuyi No. 1, Zhongzhi No. 7 and the river
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