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2016年7月,长江干散货运输综合市场行情小幅上扬,运价企稳回升,本月长江干散货综合运价指数为665.73点,较上月环比上升0.16%,与去年同比下降0.98%。其中:7月长江煤炭市场维持上扬态势,受南方地区高温天气影响,煤炭需求持续走高,电厂补库情绪较浓;同时,供给端依旧紧缺,起运港压港严重,运力难以释放,煤炭价格上涨预期渐浓。本月煤炭运价指数为576.34点,较上月环比上升 In July 2016, the market price of dry bulk cargoes in the Yangtze River rose slightly while the freight rates stabilized and recovered. The Composite Freight Index of the Yangtze River dry bulk cargoes for the month was 665.73 points, up 0.16% from the previous month but down 0.98% from the same period of last year. Of which, the coal market in Changjiang continued its upward trend in July. Affected by the hot weather in the southern region, the coal demand continued to rise and the power plant replenished the reservoir with strong sentiment. At the same time, the supply terminal was still in short supply. The port of loading pressure was so severe that the shipping capacity was hard to release and the coal price rose Expected to thicken. The coal freight index for the month was 576.34 points, up from the previous month
A multivariable regression analysis of the in-situ stress field, which considers the non-linear deformation behavior of faults in practical projects, is present
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夏普(SHARP)——这一日本品牌,大家对它并不陌生吧!而对夏普的笔记本电脑您又有多少了解呢? 夏普公司推出的PC-M100C、PC-M200C两款笔记本电脑,它们部采用先进的SHARP液晶显
在7月15日中国国际贸易中心开幕的“中国国际行政管理网络应用设备与技术展览会”上,瑞典安讯士网络通讯有限公司(Axis Communications)展出了其瘦服务器(Thin Servor)产品
在我们为准备封面故事而绞尽脑汁的时候,几张表现最新消防装备的图片令我们怦然心动。 As we racked our brains in preparation for the cover story, a few pictures of t