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目的:了解我院药品不良反应(ADR)发生的特点及一般规律。方法:收集我院2009年12月21日-2010年12月20日通过网络系统向广东省ADR监测中心上报的ADR报告283份,按患者性别、年龄、给药途径、药品种类、ADR累及器官或系统及临床表现、上报的科室、ADR的关联性评价等方面进行统计、分析。结果:283例ADR报告中涉及的药品共17类96种,其中抗微生物药引发的ADR最多,有137例(占48.41%);静脉滴注是引发ADR的主要给药途径,有272例(占96.11%);皮肤及其附件损害最常见,有135例(占47.70%);严重的ADR2例(占0.71%);引发ADR最多的药品是头孢噻肟钠,有22例;引发新的ADR最多的药物是参麦注射液,有6例。结论:临床应重视ADR的报告和监测工作,以减少或避免ADR的发生,促进临床合理用药。 Objective: To understand the characteristics and general rules of adverse drug reaction (ADR) in our hospital. Methods: A total of 283 ADR cases were reported to ADR surveillance centers in Guangdong Province from December 21, 2009 to December 20, 2010 according to their gender, age, route of administration, types of drugs, organs involved in ADR Or systematic and clinical manifestations, reported departments, the relevance of ADR evaluation and other aspects of statistical analysis. Results: Of the 283 ADR cases, there were 96 kinds of drugs involved in 17 categories, of which anti-microbial drug-induced ADR was the most (137 cases, accounting for 48.41%); intravenous drip was the main route leading to ADR and there were 272 cases Accounting for 96.11%); the most common skin and its accessory damage were 135 cases (47.70%); severe ADR2 cases (0.71%); the most ADR-causing drugs were cefotaxime sodium The most ADR drug is Shenmai injection, 6 cases. Conclusion: Clinical reports and monitoring of ADR should be emphasized in order to reduce or avoid the occurrence of ADR and promote clinical rational use of drugs.
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<正> 豌豆菌核病,俗称“烂藤”,是豌豆的主要病害。近些年来,由于该病严重危害,不但制约了我省豌豆产量的提高,还导致豌豆播种面积逐年减少,阻碍了豌豆生产的发展。据田间调
袋栽黑木耳发菌的关键是要掌握好发菌的适宜条件,促使菌丝生长旺盛,生命力强、出耳力足,这是培养优质菌种,取得高产的重要环节。 1.温湿度培养前期,即接种后15天内,培养室的
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