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江泽民总书记“5·31”重要讲话,站在党和国家发展全局的高度,用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法,回答了时代提出的新课题,进一步丰富了“三个代表”重要思想。讲话对坚持和发展马克思主义作了精辟而深刻的阐述,体现了我们党与时俱进的思想风范和奋发有为的精神状态。时 General Secretary Jiang Zemin made an important speech on May 31st and stood at the height of the development of the party and the country. He replied to the new topics raised by the times and further enriched the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ with Marxist standpoints, opinions and methods. The speech made an incisive and profound exposition on the adherence to and development of Marxism, which embodied our party’s ideological style of making progress with the times and the energetic spirit of the party. Time
《Hydrometallurgy》2009年98卷(1/2)期发表Anna-Kaisa Halinen等人的文章,介绍了生物柱浸复杂硫化物矿石时温度对贱金属浸出及细菌组成的影响。采用了柱浸的方法,作者在浸出
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In order to expand the application of strength reduction methods with the ubiquitous-joint criterion,the corresponding program is compiled using FLAC3D software
Monitoring the stability of steep slopes of open-pit mines is a major issue relating to production safety in mines.In order to determine the technical parameter
党的十六大的历史性决策与贡献之一,是对原党章进行重要修改而形成了具有时代特色和深远 影响的新党章。学习新党章,就要把“三个代表”作为贯穿始终的红线,全面地深刻地领会