
来源 :云南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YWJJK
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耿马县分期分批稳步发展从傣族、佤族聚居的特点出发,耿马县教师进修学校自1982年8月开始,分期分批培训本县教师。首先培训了两批傣文扫盲骨干教师,共50余人。接着培训了一批佤族骨干教师。第四期,培训了一批公社、大队完小的音乐教师。第五期学习时间四个月,内容是语文、数学教材教法过关,培训了41人。 Gengma County has developed steadily in phases and in batches. Starting from the characteristics of the She and the She people living together, the Gengma County Teacher Training School has been training teachers in this county in batches in batches since August 1982. First of all, two batches of literacy and literacy teachers were trained, and a total of more than 50 people were trained. Then we trained a group of ethnic backbone teachers. In the fourth period, we trained a group of commune and small music teachers. The fifth period of study lasted for four months. The content was language and mathematics teaching methods, and 41 people were trained.
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伍律教授是本刊编委,不幸于去年十二月二日病逝.特发表这篇文章,以作悼念.本刊编辑部 Prof. Wu Lu was editorial board member of the journal. Unfortunately, she died