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我是60年来总政话剧团的一名忠实观众。想到总政话剧团60年来的辉煌经历,不禁感慨万千。想起总政话剧团演出的许多使我感动、使我激动、使我热血沸腾的戏剧,想到这些戏剧的作者、导演、演员和舞台美术工作者,他们许多是和我共同经历过战争岁月的战友,而他们中许多人已不在人世,使我思念不已。《冲破黎明前的黑暗》是总政话剧团成立后最早演出的反映抗日战争艰苦年代军队和人民血肉关系的戏剧,作者傅铎同志是抗日战争题材戏剧写得最多、最成功的剧作家。此剧的导演丁里同志是 I am a loyal audience for the 60 years of the General Political Repertory Theater. Think of the total political troupe 60 years of brilliant experience, can not help but filled with emotion. I am moved by the memories of the performance of the troupes of the General Political Department. I am excited to make my passionate drama a reminder of the writers, directors, actors and the stage artists of these plays. Many of them are comrades in arms with whom I shared the years of war, Many of them are dead, leaving me to miss. “Breaking through the Darkness Before Dawn” is the drama that staged the first performance of the General Political Troupe to reflect the flesh-and-blood relationship between the military and the people during the hard-fought anti-Japanese war. The author Fu Duo was the most well-written and successful dramatist in the drama of the Anti-Japanese War. Director Ding Li of this drama is
Objective: To investigate intraocular penetration of moxi-floxacin hydrochloride after oral administration. Methods: Prospective study of 15 patients scheduled
在整个高科技产业遇到经济衰退影响的时候,索尼、任天堂和微软的“三国演义”却让游戏产品的发展显示出勃勃的生机。据高盛的统计分析, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft’s
1病例报告患者女,16岁,因右眼突然视物不见1 d,于2004年12月21日来我院就诊。自述入院前1 d起床后看不到东西,无全身不适,当即入院。查体:右眼视力光感,左眼视力1·0,右眼外
在三元法立木材积测算中,通常采用A.希费尔提出的形数计算公式: f=0.66q_2~2+0.32/q_2H+0.140。这个经验公式适用于所有针阔叶乔木树种,平均误差一般不超过±3%。瑞典人荣索
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