Analysis on the novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman

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  【Abstract】French Lieutenant’s Woman written by John Fowles mainly talks about the developing relationship between Sarah Woodruff and Charles Smithson.Sarah Woodruff known as “Tragedy”,or “The French Lieutenant’s Woman” is caught between the Victorian and modern ages.Rumors spread around that she stands by the sea to wait for the French Lieutenant who seduced her to return.And Charles is a young,lazy but intelligent English gentleman,who breaks off his engagement to a traditional young woman Tina to pursue Sarah.The novel is very special and attractive in many ways,so my purpose of the paper is to analyze how characters’ desire and postmodern environment wind through the story.
  【Key words】desire; postmodern; Sarah Woodruff; Charles Smithson
  Every literature text is in some way about desire and it is not only about how and why characters desire each other and happens to choose desires,but also produce desire and makes readers desire in reading (Bennett and Royle,2004).In The French Lieutenant’s Woman,we read the desire of the main characters:Sarah and Charles.Sarah lives in the Victorian society and in that period of time,women are viewed as pure,clean and they have restrictions from sex.But Sarah refuses to follow the restrictions and allows the rumor that she has been seduced by French Lieutenant spreading around.She is lonely,looked down upon by others and no one understand her.What she does pushes her outside the respectable society.But she desires for freedom,desires to expresses her feeling freely and refuses to let others control her future.After Charles meets her and is willing to listen to her story,Sarah tries to get out of Mrs.Poulteney’s governess and turn to Charles for help.She told Charles her relationship with the Lieutenant mysteriously and that strong desire for love,for freedom she reveals sparks Charles curiosity and the desire for her.Through the contact with Charles,Sarah begins to love Charles,but her desire for freedom conflict with her love for Charles.From the last ending,we can see that her desire for freedom finally conquers her love for Charles.One of the things that literature texts consistently suggest is that desire is paradoxical,mobile and mediated (Bennett and Royle,2004).Sarah,to some extent,is the catalyst in Charles’s development in character.Originally,Charles expresses his love to Tina who is a traditional woman with conservative thoughts.Tina never experiences freedom and she is not strong enough to determine her own future.She is controlled by Charles’ actions like his proposal of marriage and later his breaking off their engagement.Charles’ original desire for Tina changed to Sarah.He is shocked and attracted by Sarah’s deep thoughts,behavior,open expression of her sensuality,her nonconformity and most important of all,her independent spirit.During the contact with Sarah,Charles is pushed to the margins of his society and is changing in his character.From the last ending,we can read that he desires for absolute freedom from social constraints as he refuses to be possessed by Sarah.Just as the narrator notes in the final paragraph that Charles “has at last found an atom of faith in himself,a true uniqueness,on which to build” (Fowles,1970 p.199).   As Bennett and Royle put it:if texts can be thought to desire,readers desire too:we desire solutions,we desire to get to the end of the story,and we desire insight or wisdom,pleasure or sadness (Bennett and Royle,2004).But in this novel,we know little about all these questions.That’s due to the writing style of the postmodern novel.Postmodern appears to welcome and embrace a thinking of itself and multiplicity,and it challenges our thinking about the time,challenges us to see the present in the past,the future in the past and a present in a kind of no-time (Bennett and Royle,2004).
  First of all,the narrative of the novel is postmodern.In the traditional,Victorian novel,narrator knows everything about the characters,the background information and the ending,but in this postmodern novel,Fowles discard these traditions.The narrator is quite different who frequently breaks into the novel,giving comments.For example,when describing the Cobb as a Henry Moore or a Michelangelo in the first chapter,the narrator breaks into and gives the comments:I exaggerate? Perhaps…… (Fowles,1970 p.2).We can see that the narrator doubt himself and shows a kind of uncertainty,which breaks away the traditional writing style of narrator’s knowing everything about the novel.The combination of narration and comments form a very distinguishing feature of the postmodern novel.
  And what’s more,the narrator often moves back and forth in time.Sometimes we are in the present,sometimes in the past and sometimes in the future.Very obvious example is that when the narrator describes the Lyme Regis,he mentions Jane Austin’s use of Cobb in her novel persuasion,which was written almost fifty years before The French Lieutenant’s Woman’s setting date.And the mention of persuasion,the narrator brings us back to fifty years ago.The narrator also leads us to see the future by mentioning the twentieth-century Henry Moore sculpture.Readers are often confused about the narrative continuity and clarity through such kind of description,so postmodern is often described to be mobile and fragmented.
  Thirdly,the postmodern novel is always full of mystery and undecidability,especially,the description of Sarah in this novel.From the beginning to the end,the narrator doesn’t give us a clear portrait of Sarah.Sarah’s true self and real status remain mysterious to all of us.The postmodern gives particular emphasis to ways in which this law may be productively questioned or suspended (Bennett and Royle,2004).The narrator always creates uncertainty,undecidability.This shows that it’s impossible for people to know everyone completely,mystery always remains and the knowledge of other people depends on individual perceptions.And the undecidalitlity is highlighted by the three endings the narrator provides.The first ending obviously follows traditional Victorian ending of the novel:Charles gives up pursuing Sarah,marries conservative Tina.While the narrator refuses to end in such a conventional way,he offers the second ending that Charles finds Sarah and they reunite.Still unsatisfied,the third ending appears:it focuses on what they pursue for.In this ending,Charles and Sarah finally get separated.Both of them choose their independence,the freedom rather than marriage.The three open endings are particular and attractive.It pays more attention to the perception of readers and provides readers the chance to think,to choose whatever they want.In this way,readers can actively participate in the creation of the novel’s vision.For postmodern critics,undecidability radically undermines the very principle of unity:these critics celebrate multiplicity,heterogeneity,difference (Bennett and Royle,2004).   Fourthly,the novel is paradoxical in narration.In modern novels,the paradox is always solved in the end.While in postmodern novels,the paradox is open and uncertain.In the novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman,Fowles combines Victorian and postmodern novel style together.In Victorian novel,the description of the character is very traditional because the narrator knows everything about the character.For example,the description of Dr.Grogan in this novel,follows traditional writing skills.The narrator gives a very detailed description of him from every different aspect.For example,he is described to be a knowledgeable person,fond of good food and wine,knows about every mysterious things.And the description of main character Charles is also in very detail.While every description about Sarah is very unclear,it shows that the narrator never knows what is Sarah thinking about.This kind of uncertain description of Sarah and the clear,all-around Charles forms a very strong contrast.And this contrast of different writing style forms paradox existing together in the novel.On the whole,Fowles combines traditional and postmodern wring style in this novel and his use of postmodern narrative skills leads reader to take an active part in the creation of the novel.
  [1]Bonneet,Andrew and Royle,Nechols,(2004)Introduction to Literature,Criticism and History.Great Britain:Longman.
  [2]Fowles,John,(1969)The French Lieutenant’s Woman.eBook Scanned by Binwiped 12/02[v1.0].
【摘要】把大学英语读写译课程变成教书育人的社会主义主阵地是每个外语老师的责任。借助不同的学习平台,“课程思政”融入读写译课堂可以从三个环节入手:课前准备,课中讲授和课后巩固,以提升大学生们正确的社会主义核心价值观。目前也面临着许多困惑需要解决,值得共同探讨。  【關键词】课程思政;读写译教学;教书育人;社会主义核心价值观  【作者简介】何承全(1965.10.24-),男,湖北十堰人,湖北医药学院
【摘要】随着我国市场经济发展,技术迭代增速,多元化信息技术逐渐融入市场各产业。以教育市场为例,教育模式的不断创新是提高教学成效的前提,翻转课堂作为当下炙手可热的教学形式已逐渐在大学英语教学中推广落实。为了进一步验证翻转课堂在大学英语教学中的落实价值,本研究将以大学英语口语教学的课前、课中、课后为基础,将此过程与翻转课堂结合,进而对创新大学英语口语教学模式进行探讨。  【关键词】翻转课堂;英语口语;
【摘要】通过问卷调查和访谈,本文从深度学习内涵的五个维度设计指向深度学习的翻转课堂模式,并围绕学习有效性的五个方面探讨了该模式的应用效果。问卷调查结果表明,该模式能够提升课堂学习体验、学习性投入度和英语学习动机及投入度。访谈结果表明,多种方式展示英语的教学设计为学生创造了较好的学习体验,增强了学生外在学习动机,小组协作增强了学生内在学习动机,形成性评价能促使学生加大学习投入度。  【关键词】翻转课
【摘要】随着大学英语教学改革的推进,大学英语教学已经从注重培养学生的读写能力向英语语言综合运用能力转变。在教学改革的背景下,大学英语学习方式也要有所改变。在“以学生为中心”的教学理念引导下,本研究着重对学生在课堂上运用的学习方式进行分类,即自主学习、合作学习、探究学习,并对其各自的定义、基本要素、理论基础、行动策略进行探究,以此来改善大学英语教学质量、促进大学英语教学改革的进程。  【关键词】英语
【摘要】大学英语视听说教学,疫情之下在线教学一时风头无两,但在后疫情时代它所带来的负面影响也逐步显现:学生在实际课堂中的到课率下降,表现不积极,注意力不集中……教师要调整教学方案,使传统与在线教学的优势有机结合在一起,切实为教学提供帮助,真正实现大学生英语视听说能力的提升。  【关键词】后疫情时代;大学生;英语视听说  【作者简介】刘洁(1986-),女,河南开封科技传媒学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向
【Abstract】The historical and cultural obstacles rising during translation bring about different versions of the same original work,thus probably preventing the translator from fully conveying the orig
【摘要】21 世纪以来,我国在“互联网+教育”的大背景下,教育领域利用互联网资源进行的教育活动正在推动教育教学加速发展。外语微课作为构建数字化学习环境的重要资源,是实现外语信息化应用的关键渠道。本文以成都文理学院为例,阐述了当前外语精品微课建设的基本做法和成效,提出了在数字化环境下,建设高校精品外语微课的相关思路和策略。  【关键词】成都文理学院;精品外语微课;建设分析;研究讨论  【作者简介】李