Influence of Setting Condition on Characteristics of Savonius Hydraulic Turbine with a Shield Plate

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AEXSN
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The aim of this investigation was to improve power performance of Savonius hydraulic turbine utilizing small stream for electric generation.An attempt was made to increase the power coefficient of runner by the use of flat shield plate placed upstream of the runner.The difference of the power coefficient is discussed in relation to clearance between the runner and the bottom wall and the rotation direction of the runner.The flow field around the runner was also examined visually to clarify influences of setting conditions on the power performance.From this study it was found that the power coefficient is achieved for 0.47 by only using a flat shield plate,the increase is up to 80% over the runner without the plate.Moreover,it is the proper condition that clearance ratio is 0.73 in this study. The aim of this investigation was to improve power performance of Savonius hydraulic turbine utilizing small stream for electric generation. An attempt was made to increase the power coefficient of runner by the use of flat shield plate placement upstream of the runner. The difference of the power coefficient is discussed in relation to clearance between the runner and the bottom wall and the rotation direction of the runner. flow field around the runner was also inspectable see to clarify influences of setting conditions on the power performance .From this study it was found that the power coefficient is achieved for 0.47 by only using a flat shield plate, the increase is up to 80% over the runner without the plate. Moreover, it is the proper condition that clearance ratio is 0.73 in this study.
进京前后 1948年秋,随着我军战略反攻的节节胜利,晋察冀解放区与晋冀鲁豫解放区合并,成立了华北解放区。于是,以上两大解放区的公安保卫部门也相应地合并为中共中央华北局社
朱萍老师是我的签约弟子,因此,对她的成长和发展我尤为关注。今天手拿朱萍老师《儿童习作探秘》书稿,看到朱老师在儿童习作教学研究上取得如此显著的成绩,感到特别欣慰和喜悦。读着书稿上浸满朱老师心血和智慧的文字,过去那些和朱老师一起学习、研究、工作的情景,像放电影一般浮现在我的眼前……  一  大概是2004年吧,我调入北京东路小学任校长的第二年,为了提升北小教师群体的形象,为了进一步增强教师团队凝聚力,
例 1,女 (外孙女 ) ,3 5岁 ,反复咳嗽、气喘 1年余。自 1995年 2月 6日起 ,因咳嗽 1周、发热 3天住院。检查 :两肺闻哮鸣音 ,中小湿罗音。胸片 :肺炎 ,诊断 :喘型肺炎。抗炎