Frenchman sets sail across Atlantic in a barrel 七旬老人乘木桶横渡大西洋

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  [海 词 积 累]
  1.resin n. 树脂;合成树脂
  2.plywood n. 胶合板
  3.orca n. 虎鲸
  4.bunk n. 卧铺
  5.foie gras 鹅肝酱
  6.quip v. 打趣
  7.confinement n. 禁闭
  A 71?year?old Frenchman set sail across the Atlantic on Wednesday in a barrel?shaped orange capsule, hoping to reach the Caribbean within three months depending mainly on ocean currents by himself. He showed great courage despite much discouragement from his relatives and friends.
  “The weather is great—Ive got a wave of one metre and Im moving at two or three kilometres an hour,” Jean?Jacques Savin told AFP by telephone after setting off from El Hierro in Spains Canary Islands.
  “For the time being my capsule is behaving very, very well and Ive got favourable wind forecast until Sunday.” Savin had worked on his vessel for months in the small shipyard of Ares on Frances southwest coast. Measuring three metres long and 2.10 metres across, it is made from resin?coated plywood, heavily reinforced to resist waves and potential attacks by orca whales.
  Inside the capsule, which weighs 450 kilograms when empty, is a six?square?metre living space which includes a kitchen, sleeping bunk and storage. A porthole in the floor allows Savin to look at passing fish.
  Savin has served in Africa as a pilot and a national park ranger. He has prepared a block of foie gras and a bottle of Sauternes white wine for New Years Eve, along with a bottle of red Saint?Emilion for his 72nd birthday on January 14.
  Savin hopes currents will carry him naturally to the Caribbean without the need for a sail or oars—“maybe Barbados, although Id really like it to be a French island like Martinique or Guadaloupe,” he quipped. “That would be easier for the paperwork and for bringing the barrel back.”
  Along the way, Savin will be dropping markers for the international marine observatory to help its scientists study the currents. And he himself will be the subject of a study on the effects of loneliness in close confinement.
  1.What can be inferred about Savins adventure according to the text?
  A.The winds were helpful with the adventure all the way.
  B.The supplies were well prepared and had many varieties.
  C.The destination of the adventure was Spains Canary Islands.
  D.The leading driving force was ocean currents instead of man power.
  2.What does the underlined word “reinforced” in Para. 3 mean?   A.To put something into use.
  B.To fasten something tightly.
  C.To make something stronger.
  D.To fix something in a right way.
  3.Which of the following can best describe Savins characteristics according to the text?
  A.Courageous, humorous and thoughtful.
  B.Determined, generous and active.
  C.Energetic, considerate and calm.
  D.Fearless, faithful and modest.
  Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the words given or with a proper word.
  1.A 71?year?old Frenchman set sail across the Atlantic on Wednesday in a barrel?shaped orange capsule,
如果10年前投身独居生活还被当作一场社会实验的话,现在人们早已将其视为一种追寻现代价值的时代风潮。独居的盛行,意味着对个休自由的推崇和对自身权利的掌控,人们可以在适宜的时间,以自己的方式做自己想做的事情。作为大城市中主流生活方式的独居生活,其益处现已被广泛地认同,即人们有机会去探索并认知自身生命的意义与目的。  选择独居,便要独自承担更多的人生挑战。好在人们已经乐于接受广泛的私人生活被商业外包,尤
帆船来自Bark Europa。与主流的邮轮游南极不同,它们提供更深入、更小规模的探险帆船服务。南极到了,请下……船  出发去南极,你可以选个邮轮。搭乘邮轮,80%~90%的人会选择从阿根廷的乌斯怀亚上船。如果你近期只打算去一次阿根廷,申请3个月的电子签是最优解,但必须要有美签。智利有美签可以免签。德雷克海峡是乘船到南极的必经路线。作为世界最危险的海峡之一,遇上天气不那么好的时候,能体验到加勒比海
破冰,在7月  酒店业的留存者们,正带着对游客喜好的洞察,吸引着人们在这升温的夏日,重返旅行。  4月,全球旅行骤停。这可能是酒店住宿业,乃至旅行行业有史以来最糟的一个月。  5月,中国已经率先遏制了疫情发展势头,各个产业有序复工复产,但全球的疫情还在蔓延。封锁的海岛上,酒店们的情况岌岌可危。到了月底,仅仅普吉岛的芭东海滩,就有50多家酒店挂牌出售转让,从三星级的到六星级的,都没能逃过这次震动。 
[精彩导读]  一个人、一座城、一段旅程、一段回味。大学生穷游哥本哈根的经历,收获了对城市最原始的也最朴素的印象、感知与依恋。  未读先知  1.perpetually adv. 常常;永远  2.assume v. 假设;认为  3.astronomical adj. 天文学的  4.dimly adv. 暗淡地  5.reluctantly adv. 不情愿地  6.perception ad
盾牌刺绣外套盾牌刺绣短裤衬衫 均为Thom Browne  “我的生活很宅,人多会不自在,夜晚到来时,心情常不愉快。”  汪苏泷很喜欢自己在2019年一档音乐比赛节目中创作的这首《古怪》,传唱度没有“是你让我的世界从那刻变成粉红色”的《有点甜》那么高,但几乎是第一次地,汪苏泷决定把自己真实的样子写进歌里,有些古怪,也有些悲观。之前,他羞于表达自己的想法,“我覺得我不想让别人了解,我也觉得没有人能够
加油站  本刊试题研究中心  Task 2  (2019·全国丙卷)  山峰  居民  束  Task 4  第一节语法填空  时尚  第二节书面表达  假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack对你们学校最近开展的“书香校园”活动很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:  1.活动开展的情况;  2.你对该活动的看法。  注意:  1.词数100字左右;  2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;  3
加入Diesel之后,曾以Lady Gaga的造型师身份爆红的Nicola Formichetti似乎安定了下来,专心致志地打理这个意大利品牌。用这位艺术总监自己的话来说,就是“要把Diesel变成一个最酷最酷的星球”,像他推出的Diesel Reboot计划,便誓要在时尚行业内外召集起一个酷社群,甚至还着手一个新系列来吸引那些只穿正装的老派绅士们尝试些新鲜玩意儿。“但是,Diesel星球永远不欢
这是他公开发言的表达方式,也是他多年来处世的一项基本原则:在自我的世界里坚持理想化的态度,不迎合潮流;同时与时代和外部世界保持距离,不冲撞现实。  从业20余年,音乐最早构成了张亚东理想化的精神世界。1969年出生在山西大同,物质和精神同样贫瘠,一盘古典乐磁带给了他超现实的感觉。为追求音乐,他13岁进入歌舞团,自学为乐团编曲。90年代初,他带着作品来到北京,不久后成为一名音乐制作人。  音乐曾是他
To 扶霞·鄧洛普 英国美食作家,代表作《鱼翅与花椒》  作为最了解中餐的英国人,你在伦敦的时候会怀念中国的面条吗?自己会做吗?