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明末清初,一批欧洲传教士不畏艰辛,远涉重洋,接踵来华。他们的目的是要在中国传播天主教,让尽可能多的中国人信奉天主教。中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,文化背景、道德观念、语言礼俗都与欧洲不同。传教士要对这样一个东方大国传教,困难是很多的。利玛窦在实践中摸索出一套行之有效的办法,那就是:以学术叩门 In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, a group of European missionaries fought hardships and toured the oceans and came to China one after another. Their purpose is to spread Catholicism in China so that as many Chinese as possible can believe in Catholicism. China is a long history of ancient civilization, cultural background, moral values, etiquette and language are different from Europe. Missionaries have a great deal of difficulty in preaching this great Eastern power. Matteo Ricci in practice found a set of effective ways, that is: academic knock
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