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追溯文化源流,古今中外都把女性的美艳与花的美艳相提并论。同是造物主的杰作,同质同调的丽质不仅明示着世间的美好,也暗示生命的活力。青春与生命,春色与生机,二者同构相伴。雷诺阿画中裸女固然直抒妙龄女郎的性感,柯勒惠支画的裸女却像被抽去了“性感”。日本当代画家井村之彦的画作《焰》,丰肌绰约的裸女颈项之上生着一颗狞目獠牙的妖魔头角,周身燃起熊熊妒火——直接画女人未必等同于性与生命的赞颂。可是当艺术家把花之美与女性青春之美相联系的时候,往往内蕴着情爱的寄寓,唱起生命的颂歌。且不论着花衣,依花丛之泛泛,世界名画中如提香的手拈鲜花之《花神》,周昉的《簪花仕女》,莫高窟的《散花天女》等 Tracing the origins of culture, both ancient and modern women and glamorous beauty of beauty compared to the same breath. The same is the masterpiece of the Creator. The same quality of beauty not only shows the beauty of the world, but also implies the vitality of life. Youth and life, spring and life, both accompanied by the same structure. Renoir painted the naked woman Although the direct expression of the sexy young girl, Koole Hui Zhi Nu Nu like being drawn to the “sexy.” Japanese artist Yoshii Inoue’s painting “Flame”, Feng Musi graceful bare female neck above the birth of a stupid fangs demon head angle, the whole body lit rage jealousy - painting a woman may not be equal to the praise of sex and life . However, when artists associate the beauty of flowers with the beauty of women’s youth, they tend to imply the love affair and sang the carols of life. Regardless of the flower, in accordance with the generalization of flowers, such as the world famous paintings such as the hands of Tiandi flowers “Flower God”, Zhou Luan’s “Hairpin Ladies” Mogao Grottoes
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1 ⒈ 春之歌  锻铜壁饰 2 ⒉ 山花  漆盘34 ⒊ 花饰  锻铜工艺 ⒋ 西双版纳  蜡染崔栋良装饰艺术作品@崔栋良$清华大学美术学院!教授 1 ⒈ Spring song
日本的中亚史研究范围主要限于三突厥斯坦地区(The Three Turkestan):即中国、俄国和阿富汗突厥斯坦地区。常常只涉及中国部分。日本的中亚史研究仅有一个世纪的历史,因此相
2009我挂帅    本土文化艺术是我国各族人民在生产劳动中创造的,是经过世世代代传承和不断创造的智慧结晶。听那高亢动听的高腔,看那神秘莫测的“变脸”、“吐火”绝技,生活气息浓厚,内容幽默风趣,是民间特有的表演艺术。  在城市孩子们对川剧、京剧、皮影等本土文化形态逐渐陌生的时候,美术教学中注重本土文化的传承更有着积极重要的意义以及探索空间。能否将民间文化镌刻在孩子们的心灵,这是时代发展与民族责任对
  OBJECTIVE: To discuss the CT manifestations of intestinal obstruction (IO),evaluate the role of CT in the diagnosis and management of the patients suspected