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湿地松原产美国东南部,由于适应性强,早期生长快,木材质量好,松脂产量高,世界上亚热带和部分热带地区广为引种。我国从30年代开始引种,目前,我国南方已有10多个省区进行了较大面积的造林,取得了良好的效果。从早期引进我国的湿地松来看,一般能有效地生产种子的结实年龄为12年以上,但最好是以20年生以上的作为采种母树。在我国南岭以南地区,湿地松球果于“白露”时成熟;在长江流域地区,于“秋分”时成熟,到“寒露”时,则球果鳞片开裂,种子飞散。但采种也不能过早,过早则不但球果未熟透,脱粒困难,且种子质量也不好。因此必须注意球果的成熟状况,在球果由绿色转变为褐色后采集。成熟的湿地松球果,果柄处有脆性,稍加点力即可脱落。用末 Slash pine originating in the southeastern United States, due to strong adaptability, rapid early growth, good wood quality, high yield of turpentine, the world is widely introduced in subtropical and tropical regions. Since the introduction of China’s introduction from the 1930s, at present, more than 10 provinces and autonomous regions in southern China have conducted large-scale afforestation and achieved good results. From the early introduction of China’s wetland pine, the seed can generally effectively produce solid age of 12 years or more, but it is best to take more than 20-year-old seed mother trees. In the area south of the Nanling Mountains, the coniferous fruit of the Pinus tabulaeformis mature at the time of “White lotus ”; in the area of ​​the Yangtze River valley, mature at "Autumnal day Flying scattered. However, the seeds can not be planted too early, then not only cones are not ripe, threshing difficulties, and the quality of the seeds is not good. Therefore, attention must be paid to the ripening condition of the cones, which is collected after the cones change from green to brown. Mature pine cones, brittle flesh, a little hard to fall off. With the end
一个品牌的扩容 8岁无疑是人类最美好的时光,依然可以像年幼时一样玩耍,但却会有更多的朋友和逐渐适应的规则;还没有感觉到功课的压力和繁杂,满怀着学习的渴望与人生的理想,绝
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