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在凡高的作品中,《向日葵》占有特殊地位,具有重要意义。《向日葵》使凡高世界扬名,如同达·芬奇的《莫娜丽萨》一样,凡高的《向日葵》在西方也家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。向日葵几乎成了凡高的“代名词”. 像拉斐尔一样,只活了37岁的凡高(1853——1890),是出生于荷兰的后印象派画家,他27岁开始学画,作为一个画家,其艺术生涯才不过十年。凡高从1888年到1889年,在法国南部的阿尔小城渡过了14个月.这个阿尔时期,一向被认为是凡高十年艺术活动的黄金时代,是他的绘画创作的高峰期.在这个时期,他画了约200幅油画,100余幅素描和水彩画,而且还写了许多的书信(现存约200封).他的一些像火焰一般充满激情的传世名作,大部分都是在阿尔时期创作的.尤其是他的著名的一系列不同变体的瓶花《向日葵》油画(共7幅),就是在阿尔的称为“黄色之家”的画室里,前后不到两个月的时间内完成的.本刊介绍的瓶花《向日 In Van Gogh’s works, “sunflower” occupies a special position, of great significance. “Sunflowers” make Van Gogh famous, like Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, Van Gogh’s “sunflower” is also well-known in the West, women and children are known. Sunflower almost became synonymous with Van Gogh. Like Raphael, only 37-year-old van Gogh (1853--1890), was born in the Netherlands after the Impressionist painter, he began painting at the age of 27, as a Painter, his artistic career only ten years. Van Gogh spent 14 months in Alsace, in southern France, from 1888 to 1889. This Algerian period was always considered the golden age of Van Gogh’s ten years of artistic activity and the peak of his painting. During this period he painted about 200 paintings, more than 100 sketches and watercolors, and also wrote many letters (about 200 extant), some of whom were passionate masterpieces of the flame, most of them in the Arles In particular, his well-known series of different variants of the bottle of sunflower oil painting (a total of seven), is in Al’s room called “yellow house”, less than two months before Completed within a time
<正> 一北京师范大学教授、著名的文史专家启功先生,曾多次对人说:"我没有大学文凭,只是一个中学生。" 这是事实。没有经过大学学院教育的正规训练,这是他的幸运。因为这样一