Properties study of ZnO:Ga crystal on pulsed radiation detections

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frale
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In this paper, properties on pulsed radiation detections of ZnO:Ga crystal grew by a magnetron sputtering method were studied. The time response to pulsed laser,pulsed hard X rays and single α particles, the energy response to pulsed hard X ray, the scintillation efficiency to γ rays, the response to pulsed proton, and the relations of the light intensity varied with the proton energy were measured and analyzed in detail. Results show that the ZnO:Ga crystal has potential applications in the regime of pulse radiation detection . In this paper, properties on pulsed radiation detections of ZnO: Ga crystal grew by a magnetron sputtering method were studied. The time response to pulsed laser, pulsed hard X rays and single alpha particles, the energy response to pulsed hard X ray, the scintillation efficiency to gamma rays, the response of pulsed proton, and the relations of the light intensity varied with the proton energy were measured and analyzed in detail. Results show that the ZnO: Ga crystal has potential applications in the regime of pulse radiation detection.
为了解剖宫产后新生儿血糖动态变化 ,我们观察了 4 0例新生儿血糖的动态变化 ,发现生后 4 8~ 72h时血糖偏低 ,说明剖宫产后产妇有一过性乳汁分泌不足 ,加强喂养可使血糖维持在
1999年 10月 13日 8时至 16时 ,我市某乡卫生院在计划免疫按月接种时 ,1名新参加工作的助产士在不熟悉卡介苗接种知识的情况下 ,先后对 3名未满 3足月的婴儿每人皮下注射冻于
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