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《音乐课程标准》在“课程资源的开发与利用”中指出“按《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的规定,实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理,除国家课程外,地方和学校自主开发的课程应占有一定比例。地方和学校应结合当地人文地理环境和民族文化传统,开发具有地区、民族和学校特色的音乐课程资源。”新课程的倡导,改变了过去对课程资源研究的忽视态度,走出了对课程资源的僵化的思维观念定势,使课程由狭变广、由静转动,它不再只是一堂简简单单的音乐课,而是音乐学科、儿童、生活、社会的有机整合。学生的生活及其个人知识、直接经验都将成为课程开发的基础和依据。音乐课程资源由课堂延伸到课外,由学校延伸到社区和所在的地区,学生所处的社会环境和自然环境都开始成为学习探究的对象,成为学习的“课堂”。音乐课程资源的有效开发,能使学生从小就受到各种音乐文化的熏陶,并对提高学生的音乐素养起到很好的促进作用。 The “Music Curriculum Standard” states in the “Development and Utilization of Curriculum Resources” that “according to the” Outline of Curriculum Reform for Basic Education (Trial) “, the three-level curriculum management at the national, local and school levels should be implemented. In addition to the national curricula, Places and schools should have a certain percentage of self-developed curricula, and local schools and schools should develop music curriculum resources with regional, ethnic and school characteristics in the light of local human geography and ethnic cultural traditions. ”The advocacy of the new curriculum has changed the past Curriculum resources ignore the attitude of the study, out of the curriculum resources of rigid thinking concept set, so that the curriculum from a wide range of changes from static to static, it is no longer just a simple music class, but music disciplines, children, Living, social integration. Student life and personal knowledge, direct experience will be the basis and basis for curriculum development. The music curriculum resources extend from the classroom to the extracurricular and extend from the school to the community and the area where the students live. The social environment and the natural environment in which the students live are beginning to become the objects of study and inquiry and become the learning class. The effective development of music curriculum resources, can make students from a variety of musical culture influenced, and to improve students’ musical quality played a very good role in promoting.
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