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行外说,中国文学大刊主编前瞻而高迈,谁知他们超常的体力透支和心理重负。时下日趋边缘的文学园地,正是由于他们的坚挺与固守依旧,才依旧长满繁花绿树。他们是作家,更是编辑大家,是民族精神的守护者,是物质时代的文化精英。作为同行,《辽河》自本期始,特设此栏目,让他们常年遮蔽于纸媒背后的容颜和身影、情感与理念,直面读者。让他们对母语文化的共性诚敬和编创书写的个性神韵,呈现于斯。本栏目由两部分组成。一是主编访谈,二是主编作品。首期连线的,是一个接连制造轰动效应的女性主编。她在国内出版界享有金牌图书出版人美誉,曾先后发现并推出了作家海岩、韩寒。2005年10月,她临危受命,由图书出版转入期刊运营。寒暑四载,终于将这家一度低迷的地方文学刊物带进了国内颇具影响的文学大刊行列。为此,被中国期刊协会和新闻出版总署共同评选为“新中国60周年有影响力的期刊人”荣誉称号。本期专访《江南》主编袁敏。 Externally, the chief editor of the Chinese literature foresight and high-profile, who knows their extraordinary physical exhaustion and psychological burden. Nowadays increasingly literary field, it is precisely because of their firm and stick to it, it is still covered with flowers and trees. They are writers, more editors, guardians of national spirits and cultural elites in materialistic times. As a peer, “Liaohe” since the beginning of this period, ad hoc this section, so that they perennial cover their faces behind the paper media and shadow, emotion and philosophy, face readers. Let them respect the commonalities of native culture and create the charm of writing personalities, presented in Sri Lanka. This section consists of two parts. One is editor-in-chief and the other is chief editor. The first connection, is a series of sensational effects of female editor. She enjoys the reputation of a gold book publisher in the domestic publishing community and has successively discovered and launched the authors Haiyan and Han Han. In October 2005, she was on the verge of exile, from book publishing to journal operation. Four years of cold and heat, and finally the local downturn in the local literature has finally brought into the influential literature column. To this end, the China Journal Association and the Press and Publication Administration jointly named as “60 years of influential journalists in China ” honorary title. Current interview with “Jiangnan” editor Yuan Min.
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尽管不是一个新话题,但近年来,社会上关于核心期刊的种种讨论却始终保持着相当的热度。近日,《中国青年报》关于《商场现代化》借“核心期刊”之名敛财的报道,再次让核心期刊成为社会关注的焦点。核心期刊的本来面目是怎样的?又是谁把核心期刊这本经念歪了?  1931年,著名文献学家布拉德福首先揭示了文献集中与分散规律,发现某时期某学科1/3的论文刊登在3.2%的期刊上;1967年,联合国教科文组织研究发现75
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