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周美英是一个仅有二十几个人的小工厂的厂长,该厂一直靠给胶鞋厂加工鞋帮来维持,效益很差。一个偶然的机会,给周美英很大的启示。2002年夏天,一客户要订做一双手工布鞋,而恰在这时,周厂长又在报纸上看到了关于手工艺品将大有市场的报道,她就想为什么不试一试做手工布鞋呢?周美英说干就干,在选料上一律用老土布,设计上秉承传统的样式,而且鞋底也是纯手工制成。她一下子就生产出了500双,除了送一双给那位客户外,剩下的就全部拿到风 Zhou Meiying is the director of a small factory of only 20 or so people. The factory has always maintained its profitability by processing the upper with plastic shoe factories. A chance by chance gave Zhou Meiying a great inspiration. In the summer of 2002, a customer had to make a pair of handmade shoes, and just at this moment, the director Zhou saw in the newspaper about the great market for handicrafts. Why did not she try hand-made shoes? Zhou Meiying said dry, the election materials are used on the old homespun cloth, designed to uphold the traditional style, but also the sole is made by hand. She suddenly produced 500 pairs, in addition to sending a pair of customers, the rest to get all the wind
5名工人感染非典,导致涉及到5000多人的两间工厂被迫停止生产,库存不足以支持多长时间,情况还有可能继续恶化。松下(中国)公司是如何“熬”过来的? Five workers were infec
10月30日获悉,朝华科技、博科通讯联合启迪咨询培训中心,正式推出 BCFP(博科认证光纤网络专家)认证培训业务。BCFP 培训课程适用于企业用户、信息技术人员、SAN 网络存储系
UM手札: 大家好,从这一期起,“品牌天地”这个栏目就正式和大家见面了。从名字可以看得出来,这个栏目将主要讲述一些与品牌机(包括笔记本电脑)有关的内容,目前初步设想是:每
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业界领先的半导体IP平台提供商Virage Logic和中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司(中芯国际),近日宣布双方签订授权协议,中芯国际先进的0.18微米CMOS工艺将采用Virage Logic的技
Key points:Throughout the ages,rule of law has been an indispensable means of governing a state.However,as General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out,it is no