操场魂 (六) 二十六个春秋奔波在操扬上——记全国农村优秀体育教师戴广兴

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雨天早晨看到他带领着学生在公路上奔跑,晴天早上又看到他带领着学生在操场上奔跑,他就是这样带领着一批又一批的学生奔跑了二十六个春秋,把毕生精力倾注在自己热爱的体育事业上。他就是湖北鹤峰县走马小学体育教师戴广兴。戴广兴今年四十七岁,从事体育教学二十六个春秋。他训练的运动员多次在县中小学生运动会上获冠军,在自治州运动会上获团体总分第三名。他坚持在学校实施《国家体育锻炼标准》八年,达标率年年在90%以上。他自己连续八年先后被评为区先进教育工作者,县优秀人民教师、州体育工作先进个人和省优秀工会积极分子及全国农村优秀体育教师。一、他克服了困难,经受住了考验 1964年戴广兴高中毕业后,怀着满腔的热情当上了体育教师。然而,当教师艰苦,当体育教师更艰苦,这对刚参加工作的他来说,不能不是一个考验。农村学 In the rainy day, I saw him leading the students to run on the road. In the morning, I saw him leading the students to run on the playground. He led the batch after batch of students run for twenty-six years, Pour on their favorite sports career. He is wearing a horse primary school Hefeng Hubei Dai Guangxing teachers. Dai Guangxing, 47, is engaged in physical education for twenty-six years. He trained athletes many times in the county primary and middle school students won the championship in the Autonomous State Games, won the third group total score. He insisted on the implementation of the “National Physical Training Standards” in schools for eight years, with a compliance rate of over 90% annually. For eight years in a row, he has been rated as one of the advanced educators in the district, the teacher of outstanding people in counties, the advanced individual in state sports work, the outstanding trade union activist in the province and the outstanding rural physical education teacher in the country. First, he overcame the difficulties and endured the test. After graduating from Dai Guangxing in 1964, he became a physical education teacher with full passion. However, when teachers are tough and physical education teachers are tougher, this can not but be a test for him who has just joined the workforce. Rural learning