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一、中国音乐师范教育的历史回顾一、本世纪初至建国前夕我国学校音乐课的开设,约始于本世纪初。1907年《奏定女子小学堂章程》中,最早将“音乐”列为随意科(即选修课)。两年以后,初等、高等小学堂(包括男女生)也将“乐歌”列为学习课程之一。但仍属随意科,直到辛亥革命后的1912年9月,在当时国民政府公布的《小学校令》中才将“唱歌”定为必修科目。随着学校音乐课的正式设立,师范学校的音乐教育也提上了日程。1912年12月公布的《师范学校规程》中不仅把“乐歌”列为师范生的必修课,而且在25条中指出:“乐歌要旨在学得音乐之知识、技能以涵养德性及美感并解悟高等小学校唱歌教学法”,说明此时已有意识地要通过师范音乐教育使听课者能获得在小学传授唱歌的技能。在此期间,有少数师范 First, the historical review of China’s music teacher education First, the beginning of this century to the eve of the founding of our school, the opening of music lessons, began around the beginning of this century. In 1907, “Girls’ Primary School Rules”, the earliest “music” as a random section (elective). Two years later, elementary and upper secondary schools (including boys and girls) also listed “Songs of Music” as one of the study programs. However, it was still a random section. It was not until September 1912 after the Revolution of 1911 that “singing” was a compulsory subject in the “Elementary School Order” published by the then National Government. With the formal establishment of school music lessons, music education in normal schools is put on the agenda. In December 1912, the “Normal School Rules” not only listed “Song of Songs” as a required course for students of normal school, but also pointed out in Article 25: “Songs of Songs are intended to acquire the knowledge and skills of music so as to cultivate virtue and beauty and resolve enlightenment Higher primary school singing teaching method ”, indicating that at this time has been consciously through teacher music education so that students can be taught in primary school singing skills. During this period, there are a few teachers
不胜枚举无法一个一个都列举出来。形容同类人或事物极多,举不胜举:诸如此类,~。|其他的善事~。|至于花型、样式更是多得~。也说“不可枚举”“难以枚举”“未能枚举”。(不胜:不尽;不能做到。枚:一个一个地。如“枚谢”。举:列举。)  此成语形容“人或物极多”是虚指,举不胜举,并非具体而完整地呈现出来,是隐性的,非具象的,非“数不胜数”的多。错例:当场举手赞成的人~。|超市里的商品琳琅满目,~。  长
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