Chinese Tea to the World

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【正】 Drinking Tea is said to spread to Japan from China in the 6th century. Every step in Japanese tea ceremony is part of old and graceful ritual.Oolong tea is enjoying a favourable market in Japan and has become an indispensable soft drink for Japanese i
【正】 Ireland seeks to impress China with a massive cultural expo in Beijing and Shanghai in May and June. But the Irish in China have already been making a na
2017年为我国农历的鸡年,在十二属相中,鸡,竟是唯一的鸟类。对鸡的描述,古已有之。殷代甲骨文中已有“鸟”加“奚”的“鸡”字了;《诗经》中,有“鸡栖于埘”“鸡栖于桀”的养鸡描述;《道德经》中说“邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻”……  民间传说中的凤凰是一种仅次于龙的图腾动物,在“血统”上,也与鸡近缘,或许,凤是一种已经灭绝了的野鸡。《山海经》记述“有鸟焉,其状如鸡,五彩而文,名凤凰”;“黄帝之时,以凤为鸡
苗银是苗族地区重要首饰品和婚嫁用品,过去苗族常年迁徙,常把所有的财富随身戴在身上,人走则家随,而且苗族人认为,银饰避邪、去毒,还能防止瘟疫。苗族银饰的加工,全是在家庭作坊内手工打制作,图样数量无法估计,且精妙秀美。    此次采访的苗银匠人叫龙太阳,他所在的控拜村距离黔东南著名的西江千户苗寨14公里,被称为银匠村,也是中国唯一的银匠村,可大多数人却都未曾听说过。2006年它才和周围几个村子被列为首
【正】 Qingdao, its name is synonymous with beer. Tsingtao Beer, one of the country’s finest, has put the city firmly onto the international scene. However, th
【正】 Lu Xingtang, born in November 1938 in Changshu (present-day Zhangjiagang) City, Jiangsu province, was from a family of scholars. Entering the Jiangsu Pro