Crystal Structure and Chemical Composition of Ludwigite from Vranovac Ore Deposit (Boranja Mountain,

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The crystal structure of ludwigite from Vranovac ore deposit (Boranja Mt., Serbia) was refined using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) Rietveld method in the space group Pbam to a final RB=7.45% and RF=5.26%. It has the unit cell dimensions of: a=9.2515(2) ; b=12.3109(2) ; c=3.03712(7) ; and V=345.91(1) 3. The calculated distances and angles are mostly in good agreement with the Mg2+-Fe2+ substitutions across the M(1) and M(3) sites, as well as with the Fe3+-Al3+ replacement in the M(4) site. However, the mean observed M(2)-O distance is considerably shorter than prescribed, due to a slight increase of the Fe3+ content in the M(2) site. Such replacement was compensated by slight increase of the Fe2+ content in the M(4) site, resulting in the (Mg1.48Fe2+0.46Fe3+0.05Mn0.02)2.01(Fe3+0.94Fe2+0.04Al0.02)1.00B1.00O5 composition. The formation temperature was estimated to be about 500-600°C. The influences of the various chemical compositions to the crystallographic parameters, M-O distances, M(3) and M(4) sites shift, distortion parameters and estimated valences, were also studied and compared with other reference samples. The crystal structure of ludwigite from Vranovac ore deposit (Boranja Mt., Serbia) was refined using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) Rietveld method in the space group Pbam to a final RB = 7.45% and RF = 5.26%. It has the unit cell dimensions of: a = 9.2515 (2) ; b = 12.3109 (2) ; c = 3.03712 (7) ; and V = 345.91 13. The calculated distances and angles are mostly in good agreement with the Mg2 + -Fe2 + substitutions across the M (1) and M (3) sites as well as with the Fe3 + -Al3 + replacement at the M (4) site. However, the mean observed M This replacement was compensated by a slight increase of the Fe2 + content in the M (4) site, resulting in the (Mg1.48Fe2 + 0.46Fe3 + 0.05Mn0.02) 2.01 (Fe3 + 0.94Fe2 + 0.04Al0.02) 1.00B1.00O5 composition. The formation of the temperature was estimated to be about 500-600 ° C. The influences of the various chemical compositions to the crystallographic parameters, M-O distances, M (3) and M (4) sites shift, distortion parameters and estimated valences, were also studied and compared with other reference samples.
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一、作者简介  毛际盛(1764~1792),字泰交,一字清士,清代江苏宝山人。“幼颖悟。好搜金石碑刻。从钱大昕学。讲求六书引据经典,不参臆说。”{1}乾隆五十六年(1791),主讲泰山书院。著有《说文新附通谊》一卷、《说文解字述谊》一卷{2}和《说文徐氏新附考义》(此稿未刊。按:书稿内容多与《说文新附通谊》相同)。清代王宗涑称赞毛氏“综贯经史词章金石,尤邃于形声训诂”{3}。     二、《说文