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Giant electromagnetic pulses (EMP) generated during the interaction of high-power lasers with solid targets can seriously degrade electrical measurements and equipment. EMP emission is caused by the acceleration of hot electrons inside the target, which p
It is well known that the p-type AlGaN electron blocking layer (p-EBL) can block hole injection for deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV LEDs). The polarization induced electric field in the p-EBL for [0001] oriented DUV LEDs makes the holes less m
The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the optical properties of NiOx thin films deposited by reactive DC-magnetron sputtering from a nickel metal target in a mixture gas of oxygen and argon was presented. With the oxygen ratio increasing, the reflec
太赫兹波是指频率在0.1 到30 太赫兹(THz)范围内的电磁波辐射,它在非极性物质中具有较好的透过性并具有较低的单光子能量,在生物医药检测、半导体特性表征、人体安全检查、无损探伤等众多科研和工业领域具有极强的应用价值。随着太赫兹源与探测器技术的发展,太赫兹成像技术逐渐成熟,并开始走向应用。本专题主要从方法和应用两个方面介绍太赫兹成像技术的发展及未来。
Lower tropospheric water vapor measurements are performed at nighttime using the mobile atmosphere monitoring lidar-2 (AML-2) which is operated by the Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics. In this lidar system, a 354.7-nm light from a Nd:YAG laser
We experimentally demonstrate that a high-power 0.1-THz continuous wave can be generated by external modulation. A low-noise electrical amplifier and a W-band antenna with a gain of 25 dBi are employed to enhance photodiode output power. Detection power e
The fluorescence power from biological tissue excited by a femtosecond laser pulse compared with excitation power does not appear to obey a simple quadratic relationship given by the steady non-linear theory. A more reliable analysis is developed based on