日本血吸虫尾蚴神经系统超微结构的研究 Ⅰ.神经节

来源 :寄生虫与医学昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zz_davidli
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应用单固定法制样,在透射电镜下观察日本血吸虫成熟期尾蚴神经系统中枢神经节,神经元及突触的超微结构。结果揭示中枢神经节在体部腺管区。整个外形像蝴蝶结状,并向体前、后、侧延伸背神经干、腹神经干及侧神经干各1对,共6对与来自外周神经干联网。神经元与神经纤维网布局出现交错分布和神经元围绕着神经纤维网两种形式。文中对神经元和突触的形态结构作了描述。根据有关资料及本文对肝片吸虫、曼氏血吸虫及日本血吸虫尾蚴的神经分泌小体及突触结构进行了比较并初步格式化和分型,日本血吸虫尾蚴突触有4型。讨论中提出强化血吸虫尾蚴神经系统超微结构的研究,加深尾蚴感染的机制的理解,研究抗神经性及阻断信息传递的途径,为开辟防制血吸虫病新方法提供科学依据。 Single fixed method was used to observe the ultrastructure of central nervous system ganglion, neurons and synapses in the mature cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum under transmission electron microscope. The results revealed central ganglia in the glandular area of ​​the body. The shape of the entire bow-like shape, and to the front, rear, lateral extension of the dorsal trunk, abdomen and lateral trunk of the neural stem a pair of a total of 6 pairs and from the peripheral nervous network. Neuronal and neural network layout appears staggered distribution and neurons around the two forms of neural network. The article describes the morphological structure of neurons and synapses. According to the relevant data and this article on the liver Fasciola, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum cercariae of the neurosecretory bodies and synaptic structures were compared and preliminary format and typing, Schistosoma japonicum cercariae synapses 4. In the discussion, we proposed to strengthen the research on the ultrastructure of cercariae of schistosomiasis, understand the mechanism of cercariae infection, study the anti-neuroticism and the way of blocking the transmission of information, and provide a scientific basis for the development of new methods to prevent schistosomiasis.
闻一多先生从新诗创作实践中初步认识到地方色彩的重要意义 ,主张发扬中国古典诗歌的优良特质 ;再从唐诗研究中探索出中华民族文学的两种主要特质 ,即关心社稷民生的写作内容
今天,我站在这里,在国徽的照耀下,在胸怀激情的同时,我再次用这最普通而又庄严的动作向国徽致敬,向领导致敬,向战友致敬,[敬礼]我演讲的题目是《人生能有几个二十岁》。 前
前 记1 1月 7日 ,应’99全国中青年红楼梦学术研讨会的邀请 ,抵杭州后 ,与冯其庸、蔡义江、杜春耕诸同志同车赶赴京华 ,一路谈论的问题自然离不开“红学”研究的现状 ,不免